Extreme weather is extra hard for the aircraft, and in these days watching Europe snowstorms in several places.
It means extra delays and klargøringer of the aircraft.
It had to be true on Sunday, when 189 passengers on board Ryanair’s departure FR2767 to Madrid from the Czech republic’s Vaclav Havel airport may find themselves locked up in a freezing cold plane for six hours.
The typing of The Sun.
the Background for the delay of the aircraft is, however, quite simple.
the Czech republic was hit by a blizzard, and the cold weather is very hard on the plane, that it requires much more of the airport and the flight crew, before it can come off.
According to local media it took an extra long time to defrost the plane entirely, while the snowstorm only got worse.
Many of us have tried to get out to the car in the morning in the cold winter months and have to scrape ice of the windows or sit in the car and turn on the heat for a while to be able to see out.
It is not only cars that need defrosting in cold weather, it should fly also.
According to the aerosavvy.com means sub-zero temperatures, that there will be ice on the wings, and it alters the surface shape and texture.
Since the air flow under and over the wing is responsible for lifting the plane up, will anything on the wing change or interfere with the aircraft.
Ice to get the blade surface that feels like sandpaper, while the snow completely changes on the aerodynamics, it sounds from the website.
Therefore, says the international flyregler also, that the wings must be free from ice, snow and frost prior to departure, and it is a big reason for the delays in the winter – even when the storm is not raging.
So if you see the flight crew tryksprøjte the planes with green mucus in these weeks, so is it to keep you safe on the way to your destination.
While the plane in Prague in the hours stood still, had the passengers no food or drink, and several reported on Twitter that there was -10 degrees on board.
They could not be allowed to get out of the plane and into the airport again.
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Esto está pasando pic.twitter.com/rUZujI200V
— Argimiro Pérez (@Aargimiro) 3. February 2019
The angry passengers also wrote the social media that they felt ‘kidnapped’ by the airline.
Ryanair has apologised the incident, and passengers could fly to Madrid the next day.
— Ryanair (@Ryanair) 3. February 2019