Caja Rural Granada Foundation (ALFA) and Almanjayar Family Association have renewed their cooperation agreement in order to launch the program Open for Holidays – Summer with Flavor.

This project is designed to assist families in caring for their summer children by providing a socio-educational environment where they can develop emotional or educational tools that will help them to grow and improve their lives.

Poli Servian, the Foundation’s head, visited the center and met with Juan Carlos Carrion, the president, as well as some of the children who are benefited from the project.

Servian was impressed by the “commendable work done by Almanjayar en Familia (“ALFA) for families in the neighborhood, with programs that are adapted to their individual circumstances, this organization being a real benchmark in the fight to improve living conditions throughout the North district.

He has expressed his satisfaction with the renewal of the agreement to work with a “transforming program” that places education at the forefront of efforts “to eliminate situations of vulnerability or poverty.”

He said, “We are proud of our collaboration with an association that prioritizes hearing, accompanying, and generating processes for change in people”, after recalling that “thanks to the agreement, around 30 minors and their family will benefit.

This year, the program will have 168 participants. The morning shift is dedicated to motivation, education, and social skills. The association offers computer workshops, game-based education, water games, and other activities that improve social skills. In this edition, young people aged 16-19 years are also included.

The association also organizes family activities that strengthen intergroup and interpersonal relationships, and bonds between minors. Families will be able to join outings with children this summer. All this is complemented by a morning study area to help them with their studies.