the Competition has on Wednesday approved kæmpehandlen of Ørsted Danish business to 21,3 billion dollars, which was concluded in september last year. It informs the Seas-NVE to the

Seas-NVE’s participants director Jesper Hjulmand applaud the deal, which at a stroke makes the andelsejede energy and fibernetkoncern with headquarters in Svinninge and Haslev to the country’s largest energy and power grid company:

– This agreement provides us with some synergies and some muscles, as we now need to give back to our customers and shareholders. It can be in the form of lower network tariffs. It can also be in the form of a ‘greener’ energy. For the size we get the opportunity to invest in the green transition, ” says Jesper Hjulmand to the

the New company – new name

in addition to the grid-customers in the company Radius vendor Ørsted also, almost 700,000 private electricity customers and its udelysforretning. Now a major process in time, where the enterprises in the course of the coming months and years to be melted together.

Jesper Hjulmand would like to see the new company get a new name, that can give the company’s 1700 employees and its customers, a shared identity. However, it is ultimately up to Seas-NVE’s supreme authority: the Board of governors to decide. It will happen after the summer.

Radius and Seas-NVE’s own electricity grid company, Cerius remain two autonomous subsidiaries, with own names.

Radius-clients are medeejere “in the term”

Cerius’s 390.000 customers own as shareholders Seas-NVE. It is envisaged that the Radius’ grid-customers in the long term to have the same status. When, however, is unclear:

– When a company with 390.000 members as our user 21,3 billion to buy a company with a million customers, we can’t just entrust it all to the Radius clients from day one. Conversely, we can and we will not keep them outside the influence of eternity. That will now go for a democratic process, where there will be found a solution to it, says Jesper Hjulmand.

the Sale two years in the making

With the competition authorities ‘ approval, is put to an end a two year long process that began when the Oersted in June 2018 announced, that the Danish business was sold.

Since reined in a majority of the then-VLAK-government sale, when He allegedly was on the road in foreign hands.

In september was a purchase as approved by the state and now approved by the competition authorities.