“Google’s ceo, was interviewed in the congress – got ”idiotfrågor” before the mysterious Monopoly-man”

“the Hearing of Google’s ceo Sundar Pichai in congress has led many to draw on smilbanden.”

“Pichai got to answer the question of why Donald Trump pops up when you google ”idiot”.”

“in the audience, appeared also a mysterious ”Monopoly-man” up.”

“During the Tuesday hearing, Sundar Pichai during the several hours in the senate, and the Google ceo had to answer questions about the misinformation, the privacy of our users and queries on a search engine, which is being developed for the chinese market.”

“But Pichai also got a question about Donald Trump that has led many to laugh at.”

“It was congresswoman Zoe Lofgren who asked the question:”

“– If you bildgooglar the word ”idiot” so pops a picture of Donald Trump up. How does it happen? How does the search so that it can be so?”

“Explained how Google works”

“Pichai were then asked to describe how Google’s algorithm works and that, among other things, takes into account the relevance, the popularity, and how other people using the keyword.”

“– So there isn’t any little man who sits behind the curtain and thinking out what should be displayed to the user. It is basically a compilation of what various users have created, and try to sift through all the information? continued Lofgren.”

“Lofgren, a democrat, asked their questions after republican congressmen accused Google of manipulating its search results.”

“”Monopoly-man” came up during the interrogation”

“During the interview, it was clear that many congressmen had problems with to understand the modern technology and its algorithms. But it was not only the one who created the hilarious situations during the interview.”

“in the Midst of it all appeared, namely, a person dressed up as the ”Monopoly man” up. Rich Uncle Pennybags, the character is called in English, is the game monopoly’s mascot. Thus, the well-dressed man with a hat, bow tie and white mustache that pops up in the game.”

“Behind the spectacle was an activist who has appeared several times in the past in official contexts. “

“”Monopolmannen returning to congress to conjure the ceo of the largest monopoly in the world: Google,” writes the activist, who goes by the name of Ian Madrigal, on Twitter.”