they are the people under the high-voltage line, the inhabitants of Aspi bei Seedorf BE. And Adrian sword man is their leader. With hands, where everything seems small, and a pragmatic parked technology (the BMW is transverse in the Park field). Sword man has worked at the local football club for many years as President and Treasurer, solid velvet Siegermunis Vibrating organised. He was a doer, not a long time torch, to tell the people here, and they are thankful to him for that.

the people, You know. The 58-year-old sword man enters the Restaurant the cross (it is under the power line), presses the Hand of the host (lives right next door, also under the power line) and begins to tell me from the beginning, then in the year 2017, as him for the first Time, the pin is from. The national grid company, Swissgrid to increase the voltage on the line above of your homes, from 220 to 380 kilovolts.

a meeting will be held in the multi-purpose hall, and the people of Swissgrid would have told of earthworms. Of Earthworms! Where it was up to the collar, because of the need to strengthen the foundations of the masts. Of the radiation, electro smog, so of the big problems – hardly a word. “You have it trivialized,” Degen says man, “so it’s not about us. So I offered the people in the village up.”

The divisional Manager of a construction company prints flyers and distributed them in the mailboxes, he organized a private information event, to the dangers for the health have today, 38 households of Aspi, the municipality of Seedorf in the fight against Swissgrid support him, “the company above”, in the village with its around 300 inhabitants say, and show, respectively, the wires high.

of The fear

The reason why Swissgrid, the voltage wants to increase, is located ten kilometers to the South. There, the NUCLEAR power plant mühleberg, is switched off in 35 days. Swissgrid is preparing for the time after that. Already now it is sold in the summer of electricity abroad and in the sun and precipitation poor Winter shopping. Because the NUCLEAR power plant is eliminated, is a risk to the stability of the grid, Swissgrid needs to import this in the Winter even more, and therefore the power to expand. Between Bassecourt and mill mountain, a power line 380 kV is to be built, to a new transformer that distributes power to the regions (read here, why the-mill mountain-the end of emergency legislation threatens).

sword man walking through the neighborhood. “Actually, a beautiful residential area,” he says, a lot of sun, quiet. He looks to the nearby house, and then: “Goes right over the cabin clean.” The Nuisance consisting of six strands of copper. Degen’s house is about 150 meters from the line, sometimes he listens to it crackle, and when he opens in the morning, the bedroom window, he sees it as the First pole number 23. Large and grey. “Better,” he says, “but I knew that when I built 2014 the house.”

Beat Bachmann, Holder of a Veloladens, lives directly under the line.

sword man enters the Shop of a mechanic Bachmann, the bicycles, Motorbikes and power saws Beat mends and every customer a spell nachwirft, but never the toothpick in the mouth to lose. The line runs directly over the house, in which Bachmann lives and works. He rests on the counter and tells how he bought in 2001, the age-old farmhouse and never to the management about him, I thought.

something Similar happened to the population, as the line in 1978, was built sword man was just a farmer in his second year of training as a country, in the village of the new masts were considered as a sign of progress. Aspi came to lie between the Mast 23 and 24, and nobody could interfere with it.

mechanic Bachmann can’t feel the electricity, he says, his wife is, however. Your on point, it’s the hair, if you stand under the pipe. “Ah, Yes?” sword man asks. “Really!” And then the thing with the neon tube. “You take a 1,20-Meter-long tube and stand at ten o’clock at night, directly under the line,” says Bachmann, “and then begins to glow.”

sword man explained that this had nothing to do with the unhealthy electro-magnetic radiation, but by the electric force field emanating from what is not dangerous. For years, the Seedorf didn’t know that little about it you are interested. The Swissgrid project has you aroused now. With the planned increase in Voltage you have seen a legal opportunity to sue. But if you want to know, says Degen man, then you should advise to the black castle, to Jacob, a luminary, the Aspi.

you called him a champagne brother

Jacob is a 81-year-old man with schlohweissem hair, bushy eyebrows, and called Hans-Ulrich first name. He has dedicated his life to the radiation. Communist you have to call him, and, subsequently, the extreme Right also, sparkling brother, anyway. That’s what happens when one runs with piepsenden measurement devices, Switzerland, and the big electricity operators picks up. “You come into my Kingdom,” says Jacob, and leads to the basement in his office, dozens of colored folders are there on the shelf, lined up according to Alphabet – all cases, he advises.

In the folder of Aspi are the exchange of letters, newspaper articles, and planning approvals. Jacob knows the people of Aspi. “I’m scared,” he says, and giggles. He spoke at the sword man organized info of the event and told of the dangers of electromagnetic radiation. This radiation is not due to the volt increase, he told the Seedorfern, so there will no more unhealthy with the 380 kilovolts – it should be already insanely unhealthy: Its measurement tour through the village showed values of up to 7 micro Tesla. Studies showed that the risk for leukemia and Alzheimer’s disease is increasing at 0.4 micro-Tesla already four times. The people of Aspi were amazed.

studies showed that the risk for leukemia and Alzheimer’s disease is increasing at 0.4 micro-Tesla already four times that of the power line via Aspi.

The limit for new overhead lines in Switzerland since 2000, in the case of a micro-Tesla, for old as well as those in Aspi is still at 100. Now the question is, whether a line with a new transformer and modified masts is new or old it turns. Sword man, and Jacob find “new” and lead to another Argument. The Climate. There is always more Hurricanes, increasing temperature differences.

Are now looking forward lines stronger, increases the risk that a Mast to fold over. “Gopferdeckel, in the case of 380 kV, you’re within seconds of a briquette, when you’re standing underneath it,” says Jacob. This is a risk you could take today. “I hope that the common sense of the judge’s mind,” says Degen man.

“A shift in the Line or a part of the new building of the line is not justified from this perspective.”Irene Fischbach, Swissgrid-speaker

In the case of Swissgrid, you react calmly, it is practiced in dealing with Objections. “We take seriously the Concerns of the Complainant,” says spokesperson Irene Fischbach. They stressed, however, that Switzerland has very strict guidelines when it comes to the protection of the population against health risks. And Swissgrid keep this strictly.

Fischbach signaled understanding for the municipalities, the call for a shift of the line poles. You put into perspective but also here immediately: The existing line is already built for operation on 380 kV. The necessary adjustment requires only an increase of the masts; so the present legislation in the field of non-ionising radiation, let, when operating at the higher voltage level to comply with. “A shift in the Line or a part of the new building of the line is not justifiable from this perspective,” says Fischbach.

Verlochen not

moving Carefully, the but sword man wants, the boss of the resistance. Verlochen, not moving. So in the earth with the line. “Otherwise, the Problem has an other,” he says, and tells how to him in the settlement negotiations, Swiss grids, people have said that you are interested in is getting as cheap as possible flow from A to B.

money is also in the case of degenerate man is a subject. He who receives it with Swissgrid and 900 million francs in sales, need a filled war chest. Recently he has opened an account and its collaborators invoices to be written. 500 francs, he asks for the lawyer and the battle before the Federal administrative court. The payment morale is good. It needs, because sword man, it is serious. He is already thinking of the corridor in front of the Federal court.

read more about the NUCLEAR power plant Mühleberg-end.

Created: 15.11.2019, 09:08 PM