Young people have gathered in a park in the centre of Berlin, equipped with hemmakonstruerade placards with slogans such as ”It’s getting hot in here” and ”Our house is on fire”.
Thunberg himself bears the placard ”Skolstrejk for the climate”, written in Swedish.
go on strike from school during the day to be able to participate in the demonstration has aroused different reactions among the German politicians. Finance minister Peter Altmaier has appealed to the youth to not skolstrejka while chancellor Angela Merkel has said that she welcomes their fight.
The German police has deployed 300 police personnel to guard the demonstration is expected to collect around 15 000 people.
Björn Wiman: We are affected as much as the kids, because we love them
the Students were not valid absence at the klimatprotest – then said the teacher up
Children the world over were on strike for the climate