art house

there is No snow? No Problem: fortunately, the earliest known winter Christmas picture in the history of art in Zurich! The “master of the Munich Marie” painted boards around 1450 Mary, Joseph, the stark naked infant Jesus, the ox and the donkey and co. under a snow-covered barn roof with a lot of icicles on it.

Winter – and-Christmas tour through the collection (for adults): Every Saturday in Dec., 15 PM
No registration necessary, 16 Fr.

Christmas tree city nursery

To you, o fir-Tree, for the mess is really still green “leaves” have, from let’s get fresh tips and maintenance tricks from the experts.

the Green over lunch, “Fresh Christmas tree”: Fri 7.12., 12.30–13.15

the market street Art Limited

Gabriela Domeisen, who moved with her street art gallery in September from Baden to Zürich, free admission is, first, deeply relaxed, and secondly, fan of Christmas. Drum, there is also the new location of your “some other Christmas”: with street art from a Stutz, and – weather permitting – the possibility to let the shoes live painting.

Kanzleistr. 119
Christmas market: 9.12., 11-15 at

Jingle & mingle löwenbräu art

bells tinkling and Socializing the advent motto of the lions bräuer. So let’s get to the Open House Chestnuts and mulled wine at Hauser & Wirth, Parking loop, the Kids in the Black Café in front of the Christmas film period, and to look us in the Kunsthalle, the exhibition of the Dokumtarfilmers Wang Bing. So Urban Christmas 2018.

Fri 7.12., from 17 clock
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crafts Museum for art and design (exhibition road)

Tinker and admission is free for Bubis? Not yet. This advent, the Studio is only Big from the age of 16 who want to fabricate, under the expert guidance of all, what is Christmas for a urban just needs: (Recycling-)light chains (minimalist) paper stars (stylish) gift schächteli.

Every Sat before Christmas, 14-16.30 PM
No registration required. Free (collection)

Blue KreuzgangFrauünster-the cloister

in 2015, pumped Pamela Rosenkranz at the Venice Biennale in the Swiss pavilion with a skin-coloured soup. Now it appears, just in time for the winter solstice, the Fraumünster cloister in celestial Blue.

opening: Thu 20.12., 18-21 at
Installation to 20.3.2019

the oratory Church of St. Jakob/Grossmünster

Nothing against the “Last Christmas”, but sometimes it must be a classic classic. However, as Albert Schweitzer advised, to perform the Christmas oratorio by J. S. Bach in one evening mind, because, otherwise, “the tired listener is no longer able to grasp the beauties of the second part”. As well, it is listed split the piece!

, parts i–iii: Church of St. Jakob: Fri 7.12., 19 PM, admission 20-65 franc
parts iV–Vi: Grossmünster: Sat 8.12., 19.30, admission 20-75 francs

Nativity state Museum

the beginning of the year the last part of Elena Ferrantes Neapolitan Saga in English finally appeared. Because it fits quite well, that there is to see at this year’s edition of the traditional Nativity scene exhibition of a model from Naples. As always, various other pre-Christmas, such as advent calendars from the 1920s.

To 6.1.2019 guide: Mi 19.12., 18 PM
admission: 10 Swiss francs


Created: 06.12.2018, 11:41 PM