Hamburg is not currently planning to abolish the obligation to isolate people infected with the corona virus. The spokesman for the health authority, Martin Helfrich, said on Friday after the neighboring state of Schleswig-Holstein announced that it would lift the general obligation to isolate people who tested positive. Schleswig-Holstein has agreed on this with Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg and Hesse.

For Hamburg, Helfrich explained: “The existing isolation rules are based on scientific findings and the recommendations of the Robert Koch Institute derived from them.” Should the state of knowledge and scientific assessment change, Hamburg will continue to follow the relevant recommendations in the future.

“From our point of view, it is necessary to make a nationwide regulation for reasons of traceability and enforceability,” said Helfrich. “An inconsistent change at the beginning of the respiratory disease season, which might have to be reversed over the course of the winter in view of the high general sickness rate, does not seem expedient to us.”

Instead of the five-day isolation requirement, Schleswig-Holstein and the other three federal states want to “introduce modified mandatory protective measures such as a limited mask requirement for people who have tested positive and urgent recommendations”. One is at the transition to an endemic, it said. New regulations in the federal states mentioned are to come into force in the near future. The details are currently being worked out.

In their approach, the four countries refer to experiences from neighboring countries such as Austria, where there have been protective measures “replacing isolation” since summer 2022. Other reasons given are declining numbers of infections, effective vaccination and basic immunity within the population of more than 90 percent. From the point of view of the four countries, this step is also justified by the fact that there are usually no severe courses of the disease and no effective antiviral drugs.