Hamburg’s elementary school students have made up ground in a nationwide educational comparison. According to the IQB education trend 2021 presented on Monday at the Conference of Ministers of Education (KMK) in Berlin, Hamburg is in sixth place overall – the best result achieved so far.

The competences of fourth graders in the areas of math, reading, listening and spelling were examined nationwide. Across Germany, the proportion of students who met the “regular standards” fell compared to the last study in 2016. For comparison: In the first study in 2011, Hamburg was in 14th place on average across all subjects, according to the school authorities.

According to the educational trend, Hamburg was one of the few countries, along with Bremen and Rhineland-Palatinate, in which the results in the skills areas of reading, spelling and math remained largely unchanged. Only when listening was it significantly lower in Hamburg than in 2016.

The PISA follow-up study has been examining the competencies of pupils in the last year of primary school every five years since 2011 using a standard set by the KMK and depicting them on a 500-point scale.

When reading, a value of 479 was determined for the Hamburg fourth graders – only the primary school children in Bavaria and Saxony (496 each) did better. In spelling, the Hamburg schoolchildren achieved 472 points, eighth nationwide. In math, the Hamburgers were exactly on the national average with 462 points and also in eighth place; while listening with 464 points, worse than in 2016, but still in fifth place in a country comparison.

According to the school authorities, Hamburg’s fourth graders were tested for the current educational trend immediately after the end of the corona lockdown in May 2021.

“Hamburg can set itself apart from the bad federal trend,” said school senator Ties Rabe (SPD). “No other federal state has improved as much as Hamburg in the last ten years.” For years, the city states of Hamburg, Berlin and Bremen formed the final trio. “In 2011, the performance of the Hamburg schoolchildren averaged 14th place across all subjects in a comparison of all 16 federal states.” The improvement is encouraging, he said. “But there is still a lot to do.”