The port of Hamburg wants to test a so-called Hyperloop. This Container will be shot with up to 1,200 km/h through a tube. A test track is scheduled to go in three years. The project will cost seven million Euro. The System could take thousands of Trucks per day is unnecessary. the Angelica Slavik, Hamburg Angelica Slavik

Born in Vienna, began as a freelance journalist for the daily newspaper The Standard, later editor of the business magazine Format. Since 2007, the süddeutsche Zeitung, most recently in the marketing Department mainly deals with the intersections of economy, society and pop culture. Since the beginning of 2015 economic correspondent in Hamburg.

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If a container ship at the port of Hamburg invests, has already made it through a lot. Sometimes it was for weeks on the world’s oceans. Has weathered rough seas. Brutal Heat. Finally, it has been squeezed by the Elbe. All of this just to finally get here: at the Hamburg quayside.

For the many Thousands of containers on a ship, that was just the beginning. They are individually fetched from the ship, and then on the mainland and further transported by rail or more often with the Truck. This is exactly the Transport to the Hinterland is to go in a few years much faster, so the presents itself, at least in HHLA, the main terminal operator in the port of Hamburg. HHLA will be presented on Wednesday a cooperation agreement with the US company Hyperloop Transportation Technology. The goal: to shoot the Container in the future, in a tube with 1200 kilometers per hour from the port to the Hinterland. To her, it was clear that a project like this call always a lot of critics on the Plan, said the HHLA Chief Angela Titzrath. But you can’t complain that Germany in the case of the digital development behind. It need the courage to pursue visionary projects. “A brave beginning is half the winning,” said Titzrath.


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Pizza, Pasta, Drama: The fast-food chain Vapiano doesn’t find a way out of the crisis, she has self-inflicted. Now, the new chief should address it to. By Angelika Slavik

Hyperloop TT is one of at least four companies working on the implementation of the Hyperloop concept. The concept was originally presented by Tesla-founder, Elon Musk, he is, Betmoon but with Hyperloop TT in any connection. The technology was already well advanced, said Hyperloop TT CEO Dirk Ahlborn related to the transport of people. The Hyperloop System is to transport people in a capsule, comparable to the fuselage of an aircraft,. The capsule is in a tube, with the help of pumping systems under pressure is generated. This reduces the air resistance, and travel at very high speed to – speech is to allow of 1200 kilometres per hour – at a low expenditure of energy. “In the coming year” will carry the System for the first time, people announced Ahlborn. The step, the Hyperloop concept for freight transport, a relatively manageable challenge. Although the Container would be considerably heavier than people, for the people transport is much more complex. In other words: The Container is while driving it’s not bad. “Who can transport people, transport goods,” said Ahlborn.

For the implementation of the HHLA and Hyperloop TT form a Joint Venture. The contracts were signed on Wednesday, a managing Director for the joint venture to be named. Seven million euros will want to insert both of the partners in the project. The first goal is the development of a transport capsule for the transport of goods, the construction of a transfer station and the construction of an approximately 100-Meter-long test route in the port, expected at the container terminal Altenwerder, which is operated now highly automated. The schedule was ambitious, admitted HHLA Boss Titzrath, however, Germany need more courage and the spirit of innovation, “the man admired in the Silicon Valley”. For the implementation in addition, some new legal regulations will be necessary, because the technology is new, said the Board boss. The German building and planning law, infrastructure operations often particularly difficult to achieve – such as the deepening of the Elbe river have shown.

looks down through the tube: So the concept of terminal operator HHLA and the US-company Hyperloop TT develop.

(photo: HHLA/Hyperloop)

The port company could sell the concept to the next level

Titzrath, formerly staff head of the Department at Deutsche Post, for two years Head of the HHLA. The time horizon that you are now for the Hyperloop project has staked out, is probably not a coincidence: 2021 Hamburg, the venue for the ITS world Congress, an industry particularly important exhibition for intelligent transport systems. Titzrath can present up to this event a Hyperloop test track, decorated not just their balance sheet HHLA Boss, but allows you to perhaps even the sale of the technology to other port locations around the world. HHLA and their ambitious Boss could Shine at the same time and earn money – and perhaps also the Expansion of its own Hyperloop Connections to the surrounding countryside Fund.

in Perspective, could be handled in a Hyperloop Terminal, about 4100 containers per day, said Titzrath. Many Thousands of Trucks would save trips and the exhaust pollution is reduced. Hyperloop-TT-in-chief Ahlborn says: Sometimes you need in life just a little bit of imagination.