‘We know where you live. See you good for. Die, your snotso’.

The hate written threat directed against the Unity member of parliament Johanne Schmidt-Nielsen has now helped to find a 52-year-old man from Roskilde. It informs Roskilde Dagblad.

the Man has pleaded guilty in four cases of threats against female politicians, of whom the oldest is shipped all the way back in 2009. It was of the judge considered as a mitigating circumstance. The man escaped, therefore, with a suspended sentence of 60 days in jail with one year of probation.

the party, former frontman of the Palace, Johanne Schmidt-Nielsen, was of the aggressive, now convicted sjællænder described as a ‘snotso’, who was going to die. Photo: Mogens Flindt

Penalty go otherwise, up to eight years in prison for hate crime with a strong threatening content and subject.

the First time the man floated over with bile was writing Roskilde Dagblad, in connection with a debate event at the city hall in may 2009. The victim was a member of parliament Mette Gjerskov (S), who make up in Roskilde.

A few days before the meeting received byrådssekretariatet a letter with a photograph of Mette Gjerskov.

over her face there was written ‘death’, and under the heading there were added a number of highly derogatory statements and threats that the ‘ugly fat bitch’ could look forward to being smashed during the forthcoming meeting.

It was the mad again the following year, when arrangøreren of a second public debate in the city received an anonymous letter in which the sender threatened to give the well-known P-politician ‘a bullet in the face’ and ‘shut mouth’ on her.

Opposite TV2 described the former Danish minister in 2014, how the threat affected her:

– I reported it to the police, but it was very uncomfortable, and I can tell you, it was a long trip to go in the parking lot.

member of parliament Mette Gjerskov (S) have twice been the victim of anonymous death threats and hate ringeagtsytringer, which now has proven to be despatched by the 52-year-old man from Roskilde. Photo: Peter Hove Olesen

Mette Gjerskov maintained at the same occasion, the threats have never gotten her to consider to leave politics.

– I think, as politicians develop tougher skin for this kind of than other people, said Mette Gjerskov to TV2.

In the meantime, the aggressive sjællænder also profit to send a threat email to Johanne Schmidt-Nielsen, through the Unity secretariat at Christiansborg.

It was the man’s dødstrusel directed against Alternativets former member of parliament Josephine Fock earlier in the year, which ended up to trap him and drag him in the court. Photo: Jens Dresling

the death threats received were all reported to the police, but only when the now 52-year-old sjællænder in the beginning of 2018 wrote an email to Alternativets the then member of parliament Josephine Fock, there was a concrete basis to identify and prosecute the furious man.

the Message in the letter was, among other things, to Josephine Fock after the man’s perception is ‘a mindless møgso’.

The ringeagtsytring he followed up with threats like ‘if you don’t shut your mouth shut, we will close it for you’.


the Bastard to the 28-year-old: P-president called for a ‘skodsæk’

A 28-year-old man got in 2014 a fine of 1500 dollars to call the then minister for employment Mette Frederiksen (S) a ‘skodsæk’ and threatening her family. Photo: Jens Dresling

Highly derogatory threats directed toward women in politics in the mails or on social media is not unusual.

It is clear from an international study published in 2017 by Amnesty International who had spoken with 4000 women in eight western countries. The framework is also broader. The same year it emerged that one in every five women in Denmark have experienced tangible harassment at least once in their life.

a Few times ends the threat of cases against women in politics in the court. In 2014 got a man a fine of 1500 dollars for the bl.a. to have called the then minister for justice Mette Frederiksen (S) for a “skodsæk” on Facebook.

In the context of the attack, police notified, because there was also talk about the threats to Mette Frederiksen’s family.