In the evening have the protesters have been bussed in to Oslo to mark the resistance against the government’s rovdyrpolitikk, which they believe allow too many wolves in Norwegian nature.

In all is expected up to 5000 protesters to Youngstorget and Eidsvolls space.

Young Left-leader Sondre Hansmark is also angered over the rovdyrpolitikken, but in contrast to the protestors believe Hansmark it killed too many wolves in Norway.

” We have never shot more wolf in Norway than we do now, and it is the exact opposite of what the Left wants. So, we may not have it to come, ” says Hansmark to the Newspaper.

Want to protect the wolf – haven’t met the wolf

Bergenseren will increase bestandsmålene, triple ulvesonen and get more wolves into over the limit to make the Norwegian population sustainable over time.

– It is not so much the wolf on Torgalmenningen in Bergen. But you may have encountered wolves in other places?

– No. It is the people who have made. The wolf is afraid of people, the answer Hansmark.

Russian wolf sounded the much more sinister than the Norwegian?

the Wolf knows no borders. We can’t ask these predators relate to the metered territories. It makes no sense.

Waits 5 000 ulvemotstandere to the Oslo progress party no lone wolf

Aksjonistene in Oslo should go in the torchlight from Youngstorget to the Parliament, where there will be a variety of speeches and performances. The resistance against the government’s rovdyrpolitikk have a resonance in the progress party’s parliamentary group and the party’s representative in the presidency, Morten Wold have said yes to receive the message from the protesters.

That the government before christmas for the first time gave a green light to shoot wolves within ulvesonen, by accepting the hunting of the wolves in the so-called Slettåsflokken, do not get the critics to silence themselves.

A wide majority at the Parliament gathered about a settlement in 2016 that demanded much of us all. No one got the will, but it was a compromise that the Parliament adopted. It is not tenable that this is not followed up. I am very disappointed, told the Conservative Gunnar Gundersen to the Newspaper earlier in the day.

Ulveskvisens core

Thus, the ports of the government in ulveskvis: While the progress party and parts of the Right want to shoot more wolves, is Left and the Young Left in harnisk that it killed too many.

– In regjeringsforhandlingene we expect the green light for a sustainable ulvestamme in Norway. I can’t believe the Left goes on a regjeringsplattform without a warranty for it. The left has always been concerned about nature and our animals, ” says Hansmark.

Stridens core is ulveforlikets adopted bestandsmål of 4-6 ynglinger each year, of which at least three shall be helnorske. That this bestandsmålet is fulfilled, at the same time as the government says no to shoot the wolf in two of the herds within the ulvesonen, namely Many in Akershus, norway/Hedmark and Hobøl in Østfold, provokes in several parties.

And the progress party has a quite different attitude. This must surely make the relationship between the bourgeois parties difficult?

– It is a difficult matter, for the opinions of his poem very. The facts are that we have more wolves now than under the present coalition, which of course is good, but at the same time shoot we record number of wolves.

200 years ago a wolf killed a human being

Hansmark also responds to the rumblings from his own secretary of state, Atle Hamar (V).

– He sits and boasts that the government carry out the opposite of what the Left wants, and the opposite of what we are now sitting in negotiations and talking about, ” says Young Left-the leader.

If I was storbonde in Hedmark now, you had enough angered me very?

” It may well be. It is a pity that rovdyrpolitikken in Norway is used to conjure up about the conflict. It is 200 years since the wolf killed people in Norway.

– Yes, but sheep, Sondre?

– It is not the wolf that takes the most saueliv in Norway. Primarily, the moose, the wolf goes after, where it does an important job of regulating the population. Nevertheless, the templates of political forces conscious of a skremmebilde of the wolf to create support and anger, ” says Hansmark.

In the summer was Wild with frustrated sauebønder looking for dead sheep on the summer pasture. One of them brought to tears after finding rot and severed the sheep, apparently killed for the sake of the wolf.

I understand the farmers who think it is sad to find the dead sheep. Nevertheless, we have compensation schemes in Norway. It is to assist the farmer financially if predators kill livestock. The vast majority of people in Norway want to have wolves in the Norwegian countryside, ” says Hansmark.

Predicts the bloodiest summer