Soon it should again be possible for tourists to visit the many waterfalls, hot springs and black sand beaches, which the Island is famous for.

The icelandic government has begun to lay the plans for how the country should open its borders to outside tourists, and they have already settled on a date: From 15. June it should again be possible to visit the country as a tourist.

This writes The Telegraph.

According to the media the country began already to open the borders to the outside world 15. may, where foreigners with a work-related errand again was allowed to enter the country.

When the Island opens up further, it will be with the requirement that tourists either allow themselves to test for coronaviruses, or go in the 14-day quarantine. To begin with, the state will pay for the test, writes The Telegraph.

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in Addition, is it even small print with details about the reopening – f.ex. whether as a tourist, you must follow some stringent guidelines during its stay.

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however, It will all be in place before the country opens up, the promise of Iceland’s minister for tourism, Thordis Kolbrun Reykfjord Gylfadottir.

– When the travellers return to the Island, we will have all the mechanisms in place to ensure both them and the progress the country has made clean. to control the pandemic. Iceland’s strategy of testing large scale, detecting and isolating infected individuals have been shown to be effective up until now, he says, according to The Telegraph, and continues:

– It is based on the experiences that we will create a safe place for those who want a scene change, after a hard spring.

Iceland has according to figures from the Johns Hopkins University determined 25. may, until further notice, registered 1804 case of coronasmitte and 10 deaths.

the FACTS: How to open some european countries borders

Since coronavirussen came to Europe, several governments adopt the whole or partial closures of the borders.

The last few weeks some of them, beginning to make grænseåbninger and easing of restrictions.

Here is an overview of some of the countries that have opened partially up:

* Iceland:

the Island is waiting to ease restrictions for foreign visitors by 15. June, shall notify the government. Already from Friday 15. may can certain groups, such as scientists and athletes travel to enjoy the benefit of a ‘modified’ quarantine.

* Austria

From 15. June will Austria and Germany open their shared border and remove border controls. The two countries have agreed on a two-stage plan for the removal of travel restrictions, says Austria’s turistminister, Elisabeth Köstinger.

That is to say, up to the full grænseåbning will be random checks at their common border.

* Germany:

in Addition to Austria, Germany has also concluded agreements with France and Switzerland on the easing of border controls from the weekend 16.-17. may..

The German interior minister, Horst Seehofer, saying that it first and foremost applies to business trips and family visits. Border control against Luxemburg completely removed.

* Norway:

Norway, which has a cooperation agreement with the EU, closed its borders in march.

But from now on, citizens from a number of european countries once again travel into Norway, if they own real estate, including the secondary, in the country, or if they are going to visit family members. It informs the Norwegian justice minister, Monica Mæland, to the newspaper VG.

however, There is a 14-day quarantine at the point of entry in Norway.

* the Baltic states:

Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are planning to open their borders to each other’s citizens from Friday. The so-called ‘holiday club’ leads to free travel between countries, while persons from other countries must be quarantined for 14 days.

– This is a big step above the normal, writes Estonia’s prime minister, Jüri Ratas, in a posting on Twitter.

Sources: TT, AFP and NTB.

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