IMLIL / OSLO (Dagbladet): on Monday, the Norwegian Maren Ueland (28) and the Danish Louisa Vesterager Jespersen (24) found dead at the foot of the Toubkal mountain, next to the small town of Imlil in Morocco, about 90 kilometers from Marrakech.

The two friend were in the mountains and had stayed in a tent, without a guide. Drapsalarmen went when the other tourists found the two scandinavian women at the crack of dawn on Monday morning.

Klappjakten who could be left behind, started immediately, and the police had early a tangible track to go after:

A forgotten ID card.

The arrested forgotten the id card at the tent Three arrested

Three men are now arrested and suspected for the massacre. One further person to be suspected for murder, but is still on the loose.

The first of the men who was arrested, was arrested Tuesday. In questioning this man as to have designated three other persons.

the Police came early in the slot of the first pågrepne because of a stupid mistake. He will namely have forgotten again ID his card at the crime scene.

Here was the answer

The suspects should also have been caught on video in Imlil, when they fled from the city.

ALL TRAFFIC: All traffic and review through Imlil goes through this narrow main street. Photo: John Terje Pedersen / Dagbladet Show more

Dagbladet reporters are present in the small village, the major meeting point for all hikers that want to use the two days to go to the top and back.

At a central point in the Imlils’s main street, a narrow street, all traffic in the village, go through, hang the three video cameras in a high bar pointing in each their direction.

IMLIL: The little mountain village located at 1740 meters. Photo: NTB Scanpix Show more

These cameras with everything that is going on in the main street.

It must have been in one of these cameras that the police discovered those who later were suspected and arrested for the murder. The cameras filmed them on the way out of Imlil in the 03-time on the night of Monday.

The first of the suspects, from Marrakech, was arrested in the big city just two hours later. The other two pågrepne shall be from the port city of Safi.

Searching for man

A video from the Danish Vesterager Jespersens account on social media has been moroccan politis attention. Videon is from a café in Marrakech, and should be taken four days before the women were found killed.

the Newspaper has seen the video, which films the surroundings on the roof terrace. Above the screen is the text “tourplanning in the heart of marrakesh’ followed by a heart emoji.

the Reason why the video has gotten the police’s attention, is that the two women sitting at the same table with a man.

– the Authorities are now trying to find this young man to know if he has any connection to the case, informs the news outlet Kech24 to the Newspaper.

TENT TO THE SUSPECTS: This tent should belong to the three people who are suspected and arrested for having been behind the killings on the Norwegian and the Danish woman in Morocco. Video: Show more Found in a tent

According to the website, came the two women to Morocco the 8. December. The 16. December they were in the process of completing the trek, and the plan was to go to Imlil to stay the night there.

Darkness was on the way, and the two decided to camp in the woods. I have gotten my information from a sure source, but can’t tell who, says the journalist in, Jazia El Hammari, to Dagbladet.

on Monday morning were the two found by the other tourists who were on their way down from the mountain. The notified quickly the police, according to

Video of the unknown man with Maren (28) and Louisa (24) should be central in the investigation

Not far away stood another tent, as the three suspected individuals had been in. The police found both the clothing, food, and a national id card in the area, according to the Hammaris source.

– When leaving a tent so, does it mean that one has something to hide. The three suspects left the area at three o’clock at night and was filmed by a surveillance camera in Imlil, ” says the source to

Sharpens the security

the Area where the women were found is described as an isolated mountainous region about 10 kilometers away from the village Imlil in the Atlas mountains, approximately a one and a half hour drive from Marrakech.

Where has the incident shocked the locals.

Kesh24 reported Wednesday morning that Morocco sharpens the security after the killings. The website indicates that it is the interior ministry which has asked the security services to take action in the mountain village of Imlil and the surrounding area.

Colleagues of the Danish Louisa (24) in shock: – Never a sour little