The Italian automotive industry is extremely hard hit by the coronakrisen. Thus, the number of new cars that have come on Italian plates, with 46 percent in the first six months of 2020 compared with the same period the year before.
Now, the Italian government adopted a measure which should encourage more people to buy new cars.
This writes Automotive News Europe.
the Goal of the new initiative is to get more people to scrap their ageing car and instead buy a new car, which are living up to the so-called Euro 6 standard, which is set by the EU.
the Italians will therefore, from august to december get 3500 euros, corresponding to just over 26,000 dollars, if the scraps a car that is over 10 years old, and at the same time, buying a new Euro 6 car for under 40.000 euros.
See also: Increase of over 700 percent: We buy record number of these cars.
In several other european countries is the kind of action directed only against the purchase of new hybrid and electric cars, but in Italy you also get support, if you buy a new petrol or dieselbil, as long as it lives up to the Euro 6 standard.
In 2019 amounted to electric cars only 0,56 percent of the total nybilsalg in Italy, while hybrids accounted for 6,1 percent in 2019.
the Cost to the Italian skrotpulje must be shared between the state and car dealers, writes Automotive News Europe.
at Home in Denmark, there has also repeatedly been introduced the so-called skrotpuljer to get more people to scrap older diesel cars.
Where the italians can now get up to 26.000 crowns to scrap an older car, we’re talking a slightly different amount in Denmark.
Earlier in the year, opened the environmental protection Agency the special pool with access to an elevated skrotpræmie for diesel cars registered for the first time before 2006. In total, 9150 diesel cars scrapped in just three weeks, and the owners got 5000 dollars in skrotpræmie to let their car retire at the normal 2200 dollars, as the premium is on.
See also: ‘ll have new skrotpulje for older cars: – Let us use the crisis