Hidden cameras were on Israeli election day for excitement. The rightwing Likud party, confirmed early Tuesday afternoon, reports that it has equipped 1200 party members and election observers with cameras. They were mainly in the choice of local on-the-go, are visited by Arab Israelis to vote. According to the party is to be documented in order to election fraud.

A Likud representative explained, “the Problem lies in the behavior of people in the Arab community”, not in the measures of his party. Also party chief, Benjamin Netanyahu, was confronted by journalists, defended the procedure as necessary to ensure “fair elections”. According to the Prime Minister’s cameras everywhere to be and should not be hidden”, only”.

The legal representative of the Likud party, Koby Matza, claimed the cameras were not hidden “but visible”. They had been placed “in municipalities where there are large concerns about fraud”. He complained that the Likud representatives “from polling stations be thrown, especially in the Arab sector”.

Directive of the judge

Previously had found to the police, and with the implementation of the choice of persons entrusted with hundreds of Likud supporters hiding wore cameras on the body or to install these in the choice of local tried. The Chairman of the Central elections Committee, judge Hanan Melcer, published according to the complaints, a Directive, according to which the films of the voters voting in an election to be locally illegal. A man was arrested.

The turnout was lunch by around 2 per cent lower than in 2015 at this time. Especially Arab Israelis, who represent around 20 percent of the population, are likely to go this time to a lesser extent, to the polls – in part justified the Boycott as a protest attitude.

Netanyahu had declared during the election campaign, Israel is a state for Jews only. His Challenger, Benny Gantz, had ruled out a coalition with one of the two lists for the Arab parties. In a Facebook Video released by the Likud party warned on the day of the election in front of a “secret Deal” between the blue-and-white centrist Alliance of Gantz and Arab parties. The Alliance described the allegations as “lies” and “conspiracy theory”.

choice of law from the fifties

The Likud took advantage of a loophole in the electoral law, which dates back to the fifties. There is explicitly prohibited from advertising on election day in Radio and TV – social media did not yet exist, these are not mentioned in the law. A change in the law that would have provided a recording of the social media, such as from the Central election Committee recommended, had prevented the Likud just before the election.

Netanyahu, who wants to be the fifth Time that the Prime Minister, showed up at the voting as well in victory as his Challenger Gantz. In the last polls published before the election, was Gantz the front, but Netanyahu be given a better chance at forming a government. Right-wing parties is likely to capture the majority of the 120 seats in the Knesset. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 09.04.2019, 15:30 PM