Hit in Sweden: the So kidnapped gülenister

Nurettin Aytug were deported from Iraq to Turkey, where he was detained for 500 days.

the Family Ozcelik lack, in turn, his father, grandfather and husband. He is risking many years in jail after having been extradited from Malaysia.

Now they live in Sweden and tells of the persecution.

Nurettin Aytug said to be the first so-called gülenisten of a hundred as the deported from abroad after the coup attempt in Turkey on 15 July 2016. According to critics, it is about abductions, which the TT and eight other international media are now reporting on, coordinated by the German editors Correctiv.

Turkey blames the preacher Fethullah Gülen and his supporters for coup attempt. Aytug had been country manager in Iraq for Bank Asya, founded by gülenister.

It was enough to be suspicious, ” says Aytug TT.

For just 1.5 month ago, he managed to be reunited with his family in Sweden after a figuratively and literally a very long journey.

After the attempted coup feared Aytug for their safety, where the family lived, in Arbil, in iraqi Kurdistan. So the thought of flying to Stockholm. The other passed passport control but Aytug was arrested by the kurdish security service.

” I asked why but got no response.

With head covered and hands tied he was running to the Turkish border and turned over to the secret service, MIT.

About 500 days in custody followed, largely without visit. First accused of \

” They claimed that I was Gülenrörelsens leaders in Kurdistan and accused me of aiding the kurdish PKK guerrilla murder of the MIT agents. They called me a terrorist. It was horrible.

Aytug was acquitted, however, in a court of law. But a new lawsuit threatened after the appeal. He fled to Sweden.

Somewhere in Sweden meets TT three generations of the family Ozcelik. The father Ismet Özcelik (rods with Island) sat in the board of directors for a Gülenuniversitet in the city of Konya in Turkey, and was fired in connection with the coup attempt. Gülenister was arrested, the mood was rancorous.

good neighbors dödshotade us, ” says the son, Suheyl.

Father, mother, and sister fled and joined to Suheyl, who worked at a Gülenskola in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. But the Turkish state has followed suit. At Turkey’s request, arrested the father as the son, and three in december 2016. They were released on bail and the father was given the status of asylum seekers by the UN refugee agency (UNHCR). Yet arrested the father on the new, in may 2017, two days after the two friends had been detained without a trace, ” says Suheyl.

– Because we knew that my father was not safe in Kuala Lumpur we drove to a different city. On the way we were persecuted, and at a gas station was surrounded we of several cars and 25-30 plainclothes people. As in a maffiafilm.

They called her father a terrorist.

the Son has no other explanation to Ismet Özcelik was arrested than that he is a gülenist. The regime’s goal is that all should be high as low. He asserts that the father never advocated violence or a coup against president Erdogan.

” My father would not be able to harm an insect.

the Evidence against the father is \

the Charges against Ismet Özcelik and Nurettin Aytug is typical of today’s Turkey.

Suheyl Ozcelik is similar to what happens in the country at the ethnic cleansing, arrested in the 100 000’s. Both he and Nurettin Aytug fear it will be worse.

“the World must be aware of the persecution and stop the brutality in Turkey,” says Ozcelik.

” If Erdogan just want to, I am sure that he will kill all, for he is a dictator. Like Saddam, Gaddafi, claims Aytug.