Now all the options seem to lie on the table. Is moved to the Brexit? The Prime Minister May start a fourth attempt, the agreement to enforce? An Overview of the further process.

Disorderly exit

When the British Prime Minister, Theresa May, UK, from 13. April is not a member of the EU will be more. The Land would then not be abruptly no longer a part of the EU internal market and the customs Union. This would have far-reaching consequences for the tourism and economic relations.

The EU has implemented in the past few months, emergency plans, and spokeswoman for looks, according to a Commission on this scenario is “fully prepared”.

More vote in the house of

A fourth vote on the withdrawal of the Treaty in the lower house is not excluded. In the case of an adoption of the UK would be a transitional phase until the end of 2020. In it, the country would be, although not an EU member, more, would, but for the time being in the single market and the customs Union. During the transition phase would be to negotiate an agreement on future relations with the EU.

In the house of Commons, there is yet no clear majorities. But without Parliament there can be no decision.

Brexit in the distant future –

Should need the British more time, you would have to participate in the European elections at the end of may. A Brexit-extension now announced EU special summit on may 10. April decide. How long this would be, is open.

The EU Commission had recommended two weeks ago, a shift to “at least” the end of 2019, when the Leaving is located after the European elections. The period could be shortened, therefore, “if, before its expiry, a solution is found”.

withdrawal of the withdrawal application

For London up to the termination date, at any time, the possibility of Brexit-request without the consent of the EU to take back. This is the European court of justice confirmed in December.

May warns of “catastrophic” consequences for British democracy, if the Brexit Referendum to negate it altogether.

Second Referendum

in addition to new elections, as the Opposition calls for a second Referendum on exiting the EU is conceivable. The opposition Labour party looks to be a re-referendum as a possible way out. The house of Commons are opposed to this idea but for the second Time in a test vote.

For the preparation of a second referendum would, according to the experts, five to six months.