According to human rights groups, Hungary asylum seekers can end in so-called transit zones at the border to Serbia are starving. An Afghan mother and her adult son would have received only after a Eilverfügung of the European court of human rights (ECtHR) after two and a half days of food deprivation something to eat, informed the Hungarian Helsinki Committee on Tuesday night.

The three minor children of the wife were treated in this time is normal. The wife and adult son lived according to the figures, during the period of food deprivation of the remains, were the children left. It had been since August of last year, the eighth case in which asylum seekers go hungry, had to and only after Eilverfügungen of the ECtHR were re-supplied, informed the Helsinki Committee.

In all cases it is a matter of refugees whose asylum applications have been rejected at first instance. By “Starving out” should be forced people to waive their right of appeal.

the thing with The Status

The transit zones in border places Tompa and Röszke are the only institutions in which people in the EU Hungary as a country of asylum can apply for. Only very few asylum-seekers are allowed to enter; most of the time you are waiting many months in Serbia.

The transit zones to function as a closed bearing directly on the border. Since you can leave through the gates to Serbia, the Hungarian government believes that the people are there “voluntarily”. Who returns to Serbia loses in Hungary, automatically his Status as an asylum seeker.

Under the law-national, Minister-President of Viktor Orban , Hungary followed a policy of isolation and the deterrence of refugees and migrants. (fal/sda)

Created: 19.03.2019, 15:52 PM