“Hunters are gearing up for increased seal hunt”

“Sälstammens regrowth from endangered to viable, can be described as a success story. But for the fishing industry is the wide-eyed mammals are a scourge that causes great damage.”

“Before this year the hunting quotas increased substantially, but the criticism still to be too low.”

“– It won’t help the fishing much. It is a way to alleviate for some fishermen, especially those who engage in salmon fishing, ” says researcher Sara Königson at the department of aquatic resources at the kustlaboratoriet, SLU.”

“On 20 april opened, the protective hunting of the harbour seal and the grey seal. Before this year jaktperiod, the Epa increased the quota to 1 100 grey seals, 600 harbour seals and 200 ringed.”

“Overall, it is an increase of 38 per cent compared with last year’s jaktkvot.”

“In the 1970s brought sälstammen languishing then the emission of pollutants had a significantly depressive effect on the seals ability to reproduce.”

“After that the emissions are limited recovered sälstammen and according to joint data from the countries lying on the baltic authorities amounts to the population of grey seals in the Baltic sea in the day-to 38 000 to 50 000.”

“the Number of harbour seals in the Skagerrak and the Kattegat is estimated to be about 25 000 while the number of ringed seals is estimated to be approximately 20 000 in the gulf of Bothnia.”

“the Competitor to the man.”

“re-growth is often described as a success story. But not of the fishing industry is being hit hard by the seals. According to Sara Königson, the situation is serious.”

” We have hardly any inshore fishing left.”

“in Addition to creating problems for the fishermen’s gear and catch wick seals in parasites and compete with man on fish stocks,” says Sara Königson, which is working to develop seal-proof gear to the fishermen. Right now she experiences that she and her colleagues are working in an uphill battle.”

“– It is a bit pointless with the gear that the seal not be able to access the fish when we barely have any fish stocks and the seal eat up all the fish anyway.”

“Multiple solutions are needed to come to grips with the problem, she believes. One of them is the increased hunting.”

“the Incentive to hunt for seals, however, is low. The hunter who shoots a seal may not charge a fee. You are not allowed to sell seal products, but if you send samples to the Natural history museum is paid less compensation.”

“hunters association sälvårdskonsulent His Geibrink in Umeå, which is itself chasing the eagles put the number of sealers in Sweden today to a maximum of a hundred.”

“– You should have the right to hunt, you shall have the boat and be relatively accustomed to staying in the areas, ” he says.”

“According to His Geibrink, Sweden has handled the seals in a bad way.”

“– It is gratifying that they have been able to recover, but to let them become so many that they expect that in the fairly near future as they will suffer major famine or diseases, and on the way up there so are there many fish populations that are properly threatened. You should not handle a viltstam so in Sweden.”

“According to His Geibrink grows sälstammen in the day with 7 000-8 000 individuals a year. The hunt is limited to those areas where there is damage to fisheries, which means that there is a limited amount that the hunting is carried out.”

“the Number of felled animals reach not up to the quota. In the last year was 499 grey seals and 285 harbour seals.”

“For the hunter His Geibrink, it is important to”

“Weather and wind means that it can be difficult to get ashore on the islands and obstruct the shooting. In addition, the animals are large and heavy, which means that a hunter would need both luck and skill.”

“If seal hunting is more difficult than another hunt?”

” I would not say that it is some extremely hard hunting, but different. It is wetter.”

“the Majority of hunting license,”

“the Requirements on the hunting of seals has brought in several dissents, and on Thursday, the parliament decided to call on the government to introduce licensed hunting of seals.”

“Behind the proposal was SD, C, KD and M. the Other political parties, P, V, L and MP, had reserved for itself when it was examined in the environment and agriculture.”

“Corrected: In a previous version stated the wrong day for the parliamentary call for the government.”

“Species Quota 2018, The Number of felled 2018 Quota 2019”

“Source: environmental protection agency”

“The main seal on the coasts of Sweden.”

“Will be 2.5–3.3 metres long and weighs 200-315 kilos.”

“Live on fish, which it catches in the sea, mainly cod, herring and flatfish.”

“the Kid called kut and has white fur.”

“Will be 1.5–1.8 meters long and weighs about 80-100 kg.”

“In Sweden, is the most common on the west coast, but a smaller, genetically isolated population is found at the Kalmar strait.”

“the Diet is varied: over 30 species of fish and some invertebrate animals.”

“unlike the grey seal is the kid is not white, but brown at birth.”

“Will 115-170 cm long and is gray with black spots surrounded by bright rings.”

“Occurs in the arctic seas, and which istidsrelikt in the northern Baltic sea and lakes Saimaa (Finland) and lake Ladoga (Russia).”

“it Feeds on fish, molluscs and crustaceans and is edward’s main prey.”

“Source: Nationalencyklopedin”