I wish I didn’t have to write this

I wish to the planet’s future, would be the lucia of the Kärrbackens pre-school in Motala.

It is cancelled, reports the Motala & Vadstena Tidning. Förskolechefen claims that she does not want to exclude families who are not able to buy costumes.

Immediately this became a riksnyhet. Many are horrified over the fact that the children will not get to experience the Swedish community, a celebration of lucia in the painting. And just as many went to the counterattack.

the Commitment lit up the screens around the country. The joint force outperformed the general desire to reach an agreement during the ongoing UN climate conference in Katowice, Poland.

I wish at the same time that the 15-year-old Greta Thunberg commitment for the climate would be Ephraim longstocking’s business card. As soon as it was threatened by some censurivrare went thousands of citizens came out into the streets and chanted that freedom of expression is not negotiable.

No one should be silent Pippi when she explains what her father is doing on the days, were they. No one should silence a child. On the contrary, should the message be available everywhere.

I wish the earth’s endangered animal species would be the freedom to get the smoking on the terraces. When the parliamentary socialutskott recently agreed that they could not even smoke outside were all smokers and all smokers ‘ allies dåndimpen. Their existence was in danger, it was just not done.

I wish, speaking of policy, that the debate would be the formation of the government. The question is not whether we need government or not, but about how the issue should be resolved.

I wish to Parisavtalets goal of a global temperature rise of a maximum of 2 degrees would be akademiledamoten Horace Engdahls friendship with kulturprofilen Jean-Claude Arnault. No evidence, no knytblusar and no hovrättsdomar have got Horace to abandon his comrade.

I wish, indeed, that the paris agreement would be Horace Engdahl in his own person. Under no circumstances will he have to leave his position.

I also wish that climate change would be Malmö, sweden. All that is changing in the city is wrong, do people. The old-fashioned working-class city has got new people, new cultures and the traditional christmas celebrations are now called ”vinterfirande”.

Such changes are not only wrong, they are dangerous for all of us.

I wish, above all, that I didn’t have to write this pekoral. I like a society where we are allowed to improve ourselves in symboldebatter, avgångskrav and political cirkuskonster.

We would probably all live on a planet where our grubbleri for the day is if there even is a future, but if the kids on the Kärrbackens preschool should be allowed to have a santa lucia pageant or not.

But it is required right now is a part for us to retain the luxury.

▪ three years ago, agreed the countries of the world to limit the global temperature increase to below 2 degrees Celsius, and work for it to stay at 1.5 degrees. The agreement shall take effect by the year 2020.

The ongoing climate conference in Katowice, Poland, is precisely about this: the world’s countries to agree on the regulatory framework in order to implement the paris agreement.