The judiciary Committee of the Thuringian state Parliament has repealed, according to information from NDR and WDR the immunity of the AfD group leaders Björn Höcke. The politician is accused of, to have the photo of a victim’s misused.

The judiciary Committee of the Thuringian state Parliament has repealed, according to information from NDR and WDR, the immunity of the AfD-politician Björn Höcke. The Committee follows a request by the public Prosecutor’s office in Chemnitz. The politician is accused of, to have the photos of a victim’s misused.

The waiver of immunity is necessary, to members of Parliament to determine. In this case, the display of the parents of the murdered 28-year-old Sophia to Delete. The young woman was Juso-Chairman in Bamberg, and in June of this year, as a hitchhiker a violent crime victim to fallen. Her body was found in Spain. The authorities determine, in this context, against a Moroccan truck driver.

photo of the victim “unlawfully, put on Display,”

The parents of the young woman have provided at the end of September complaint against Höcke, because he has posted on his Facebook page photos to see on which Delete was that he had exploited the view of parents, “for their attitude”. Höcke have put the image of the victim “unlawfully on public Display”. This is for the parents unbearable, as it is called in the display.

The Prosecutor’s office in Chemnitz admitted on request, to have the waiver of the immunity Höckes requested. The judicial Committee of the Thuringian state has agreed to tags in its meeting today. Höcke is the Chairman of the AfD group in the state Parliament. He rejects the brought against him accusations. “On my Facebook page I have published photos of the Demonstration, whose participants I was. That is, I have documented a public event on my Facebook page.”

The brother of the young woman, Andreas Lösche, reported that his sister was in the refugee assistance and multiple times in a Camp on the Greek island of Lesvos. To show “her photo on a AfD-Homepage, would have been against their Beliefs,” says her brother, at the request of NDR and WDR. “For us, it comes with the display is to not put a sign, because we are in agreement that your picture is being abused.”

Höcke had participated in the September on of AfD and Pegida-organized the “mourning March” in Chemnitz.

photo, “funeral March” miss

The photo in question, has put the brother of the police in the investigation. It was shown in the beginning of September, during the so-called funeral March for Daniel H., was in Chemnitz, the victim of a knife attack, in a large format. The person in charge of the “funeral March” would have used the picture of your daughter, to make sentiment against refugees, and that Sophia had been the victim of the so-called “knife-Migration”, as it is called in the display of the parents.

Thuringia: the protection of the Constitution takes AfD to target 06,09.2018 AfD the court of arbitration for Höcke rejects-out throw, 09.05.2018 Atlas |Germany |Erfurt your opinion –

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