140 000 people were in the year 2017, the victims of partnership violence, women are much more often than men. The latest Numbers show the BKA. And those are just the acts that were statistically recorded.

By Henrike Roßbach and Verena Mayer, Berlin Verena Mayer

born in Vienna in 1972, moved after her studies of theatre science, German language and literature and history and four years at the Austrian daily newspaper The Standard to Berlin, first as a reporter for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, later the daily mirror. From 2009 to 2012, she served as a freelance correspondent from Zurich, and since 2014 she works in the Berlin office of the süddeutsche Zeitung and deals with society and culture in the capital. For her work she was awarded with the European Journalism Award on Diversity, the EU-Commission.

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abuse, Stalking, rape to murder: 138 follow 893 Times in the last year in this country people are the victims of violence in the partnership. The crime statistical analysis on the partnership violence, presented by Federal Minister of family Affairs Franziska Giffey (SPD) in Berlin.

“will more Often than every third day, killed in Germany, a woman by her Partner or Ex-Partner,” said Giffey. “These Figures are shocking, because they show that For many women the home is a dangerous place – a place where fear reigns.”

Domestic violence are mainly women: in 2017, the victims were in 82 of 100 cases of female. The share of German victims was just under 72 percent, the second-largest group of victims were four percent of Turkish nationals. The views of the offender, in turn, shows: 116 043 suspects were German captured, a good 80 percent of men, more than two-thirds. With six percent of Turks were also the suspects were the second largest group.

Since 2017, the Federal criminal police office (BKA) as well as murder and manslaughter, bodily injury, rape, sexual assault, threats and Stalking, in addition, the offences of assault, false imprisonment, pimping and forced prostitution in its statistics on partnership violence. In these newly collected categories were registered in the past year, 6898 victims./p>

Without this extension would be the numbers of victims compared to the previous year decreased slightly, by 0.8 percent. Between 2013 and 2016, there had been an increase of 9.3 per cent. Cause mainly the increase of body injury was – and continues obvious. In 2017, were captured about ten percent more victims than four years previously.

in the past year, simple assault was the most common Form of partnership violence (61 percent); followed by threat, Stalking, and assault (23 Betvakti percent). 147 women and 34 men were killed by their partners or Ex-partners, according to statistics. Therein offences of murder are included up to personal injury or death.

the most frequently violence from Ex -, from; in this relationship constellation, it is mainly to psychological violence such as Stalking, coercion, and threats. The second most common, so the Statistics for 2017, were the victim and the perpetrator are married to each other.

shows up, What in the statistics, call the experts of “light field data”. Just for simple body injuries, but will not appear far from any fact. The number of unreported cases is likely to be far higher. According to the Minister, Giffey is approximately five-fold. Only about 20 percent of those Affected sought help or would bring against them facing violence.

For Experts, who deal with the phenomenon, the Figures are not surprising. “Despite all the efforts, not much has changed,” the Doctor says Saskia Etzold, head of the violence prevention clinic of the Berlin Charité, to which women can turn that violence experienced.

The biggest Problem with the combat is that there are far too few places in women’s shelters, especially in the big cities. “You can cycles of violence do not interrupt, if there are no places of refuge.” If you are looking for a place for a woman in Berlin, passing it to her, not infrequently, that the next setup, something free, is in Frankfurt (Oder) on the Polish border.

In Germany, a total of 6000 places in women’s shelters are available. In the year 30 000 women were there with their children. “That’s not enough,” says Minister of Giffey. It calls for the Federal government, the Länder and municipalities must take more money in Hand, to the Expansion forward. An additional hurdle for Reassuring victims that there is no Central authority for the allocation of places in women’s shelters, which is why the sufferers should first of all the facilities through phone calls. For women with sons, it was getting especially hard to place because many facilities were not designed for older boys.

For Etzold, however, it is also in the nature of the offences themselves, that they were so hard to fight. Cases of domestic violence are “social Nahtaten” and for the victims with great shame. To get the Public to such violence under the slogan “family tragedy” be charged and the Victims so that the sense of teach, to take the violence seriously.

Similar to it is on the side of the authorities. While in the case of serious Assaults by Strangers quickly because of an attempted homicide investigation, were the police and the judiciary in cases of domestic violence often get away with a killing intent could have existed.