A new, large, american talent is on the way in the footsteps of Kasper Dolberg.

Nice bomberen, who got his fodboldopvækst in Silkeborg, denmark, wrote in the January 2015 contract with Ajax and switched to the Dutch traditionsklub six months later.

Here he got several good years before last summer switched to the French Nice.

But now a new Silkeborg-boy be on the way to Ajax. 17-year-old Eskild Monk Dall is, according to the Ekstra information on the launch pad to talentskolen in Ajax.

The Dutch team shows great interest for the Silkeborg-talent, as the Dutch storklubs scandinavian chefscout, John Steen Olsen, have followed for a long time.

Dall was also a training camps in december of last year, where he scored three times in a test. In addition to a visit in Ajax, he was earlier last year in Valencia for the first.

After his stay in Ajax and he said to Silkeborg’s website:

” It was very flattering to be invited down there and a confirmation that I have done well.

– For me it is to continue to develop me, and otherwise take things from day to day.

Yet the deal not in place, and because of the corona virus has ungdomslandsholdsspillere also not been to check-ups in the Netherlands.

Silkeborg, denmark can look forward to a nice profit, even if there is no question of a trade on the same economic level as Kasper Dolberg.

It is probably a trade in the level three-five million. kr. with a number of clauses built in, where Silkeborg can score an additional financial gain, if the Dall sheep is a breakthrough in the Dutch team.

Eskild Monk Dall described as a typical Ajax player. He is technically sound and can simultaneously cover several offensive seats. He is quick and a very capable ends.

despite being just 17 years of age he’s already a part of the U19-team in Silkeborg, but has not yet received debut for Silkeborg’s first team in the premier League.

The talented offensivspiller has played all 21 ungdomslandskampe. He has won 20 of them and just been with to lose one.

Ajax has historically always had a lot of Danish players in the club. Currently have Dutch, two danes, Victor Jensen, who play at Jong Ajax, and the former FCN player Christian Rasmussen.

the Latter are peers with Dall, and they know each other from ungdomslandsholdet. And now they may soon be team-mates at Ajax.

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Intl. football – 25. may. 2020 – pm. 16:28 Now the whole world talking about him