Gently winding road to the top. Curve curve high winds in the Pines-to-Palms Highway. On the left of the massive rock walls of the San Bernardino mountain range, to the right the endless expanse of the Colorado desert, in the typical desert vegetation such as the smoke tree is growing, is striking but, at first glance, especially by a trait: Sand. However, according to another curve, everything is different – and the amazement is great. Before the eyes of the Coachella Valley in nine cities around 450’000 people a home opens. It’s hot, almost 40 degrees. And yet the houses are surrounded by Green.

It’s like a splash of color to a monochrome work of art. But how is this possible? The Coachella Valley is located on the San Andreas fault, where the Pacific continental plate slides on the North American past. This is not only the cause of destructive earthquakes, but also the reason for this is that in the Coachella Valley ever life can exist. The First, which is the area populated, were the Cahuilla Indians. Today, there are nine nature reserves that are home to these tribes. In the course of the centuries have formed by plate tectonic movements of twelve oases. “It’s no life here, only 450 000 people, but roughly the same number of Scorpions,” says the 66-year-old, retired lawyer, Mike, of visitors, brings life in the desert.

To around 100 days it is about 40 degrees hot

He got to see Roger Federer here a few times already to play, he says obviously proud of as he drives his Jeep to the tennis courts of Indian Wells in the past. A total of 29 hard courts, and with a capacity for 16 of the 100 members of the audience, the main square is the second largest tennis stadium in the world.

But the Coachella Valley has more to offer than Tennis. Who wants to stay in the Sport, you can try it on one of Betper the over 100 Golf courses. But the Region also offers countless possibilities for Hiking through the picturesque landscapes. The Palm Springs Aerial Tramway, the largest in the world rotating cable car, brings you in, for example, ten minutes along the Chino Canyon to Mount San Jacinto State Park 2595 meters in height. From there opens not only a breathtaking view of the Coachella Valley, but also the opportunity to explore the valley on about 80 kilometres of Hiking trails for yourself.

It was also happened that, at this altitude the snow is located, says Mike, what’s in the broiling heat of the Moment hard to imagine. Because in the Coachella Valley, the sun shines about 360 days of the year, to around 100 it is well over 40 degrees hot. Therefore, Mike, moved there over 40 years ago by Oregon in the California desert, the ultimate tip for desert adventurers, while he distributed water and an iced towel: “Never travel alone and always tell someone where you are going.”

On the Walk of Stars, you will encounter Hollywood stars

The warm weather has brought Palm Springs and the other cities of the Coachella Valley, with a reputation to be a haven for pensioners and people from the North-East of the USA, who want to escape the cold Winter. The proximity to Los Angeles, which is just two hours away, made it already in the 1920s, an attractive holiday resort for the Stars of L. A. And in a way, emulating in Palm Springs in the glamorous world of Hollywood: In Downtown the sidewalks on the Walk of Stars are lined up, namely since 1992, with names of famous personalities who have lived in the city. Marlene Dietrich, Frank Sinatra and Marilyn Monroe have in addition to many other your own star in Palm Springs.

A local celebrity didn’t make it on the Asphalt: the date. 95 percent of the total date production in the United States come from the Coachella Valley, said Mike. Accordingly, it is the Shields Date Garden is Easy to find dates in numerous forms of Processing, whether or not dried, processed, roasted, or as a baking additive to the powder. A specialty, you should try the date Shake. Sweet and refreshing, it delivers the necessary energy for further discovery tours through the desert.

The trip was supported by Edelweiss Air as well as the tourist offices of San Diego, Greater Palm Springs and Las Vegas. (Sunday newspaper)

Created: 17.11.2018, 17:30 PM