The corona incidence has risen significantly in Hamburg in the past seven days – but is still at a low level compared to the rest of the country. The health authority put the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants on Tuesday at 435.98. Last Tuesday the value was 352.44, the week before that it was 333.59. According to the information, 8,303 new infections were added in one week. In the previous week, 6712 new cases were reported.

Due to different calculation bases, the incidence given by Hamburg is higher than that of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). The RKI gave the seven-day incidence for the Hanseatic city on Tuesday at 338.7 2 – by far the lowest value in Germany behind Berlin (400.5) and Saxony (422.9). For comparison: The nationwide peak value was recorded in Saarland with a seven-day incidence of 905.2. The RKI gave an incidence of 570.2 for all of Germany on Tuesday.

However, the information only provides a very incomplete picture of the infection process. Since not all infected people have a PCR test done, a high number of unreported cases can be assumed. It can also be heard from family doctor circles that many quick tests are negative, although an infection was later detected by a PCR test.

According to the authorities, the number of people infected with the corona virus in the hospitals in the Hanseatic city rose to 460 (as of Monday). That was 47 more than reported a week ago. 30 patients were treated in intensive care units – 11 more than in the previous week.

According to the RKI, at least 752,907 corona infections have been detected in Hamburg since the outbreak of the pandemic in 2020. According to the institute, the number of people who died in Hamburg in connection with Covid-19 increased by 14 to 3115 within a week.