an alleged terror camp in Pakistan attacked As a response to an attack in Kashmir, the Indian air force. Pakistan has denied the success of the action.

In the early hours of the morning, combat aircraft of the Indian air force, attacked an alleged terrorist camp in Pakistan. The headquarters of the terrorist organization Jaish-e-Mohammed in Balakot had been destroyed, said the state Secretary in the Indian Ministry of external Affairs, Vijay Keshav Gokhale, at a press conference in Delhi. This organization, for many terrorist attacks on Indian soil, is responsible, among other things, an attack on the Indian Parliament in 2001, and also for the suicide attack in Kashmir in less than two weeks ago, in which more than 40 Indian security forces were killed.

Pakistani recordings of the destruction to show by the Indian attack.

“We have made the Pakistani side, on the existence of such training camps in Pakistan to the attention, but Pakistan has denied the existence of always,” says Gokhale. The existence of such Camps, in which terrorist attacks would be prepared, without the support of the government of Pakistan is not possible. You had asked Pakistan time and again, against the terrorist organisation Jaish-e-Mohammed to proceed, but Pakistan have never done so, affirmed the Secretary of state.

Pakistan is playing the incident down

From the Pakistani side, it was only the Indian air force violated Pakistan’s air space and had again been pushed back. It is, however, no damage was incurred.

Pakistan had threatened for the case of an Indian military strike with a vengeance. The government in Islamabad had given the military leadership a free Hand.

“Not-military action”

Secretary of state, Gokhale described the air strike as a “military Operation”, possibly to avoid a further escalation. She had specifically been opposed to the largest training camp of the Jaish-e-Mohammed directed. “This objective was selected in order to avoid civilian casualties. It were killed, but many Dshihadisten and their trainers,” he said. “According to our intelligence information, the organization planned to carry out more suicide attacks in India. There was an immediate danger to our country that made this action necessary.”

Since the attack in Kashmir on may 14. February are the relations between the two neighboring nuclear powers is extremely tense. India and Pakistan fight since 1947 to the rule in Kashmir, and since then have led two wars in the Region.

India’s air attack on terrorist camp in Pakistan
Bernd Musch-Borowska, ARD New Delhi
26.02.2019 10:44 PM

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India’s air attack on terrorist camp in Pakistan, Bernd Musch-Borowska, ARD New Delhi |audio Atlas |India |New-Delhi
