Hans-Peter Prince has witnessed the change in his school in Zurich’s district 3 first-hand. For 40 years, he worked in the primary school Zurlinden, first as teacher, then as headmaster, since last summer, he is retired. He remembers how earlier on the Playground, especially children from Italy, later from Turkey and from the Balkans played. Then the upgrading of the Western road came: “Within a short time, much more often, Switzerland is spoken German and high German,” recalls Prince. In the meantime, the school has lost its so-called Quim’s Status. Quim’s stands for quality in multicultural schools (see Box) and public primary schools ensures a very high proportion of migrant children for financial support.

The school house is an example of a big Trend is Zurlinden. Than ten years ago, the project Quims was launched, got in Zurich West and Zurich North almost all of the schools money from the program. In some, the proportion of foreign children was close to 100 percent. This has changed in the meantime. Quims-schools are increasingly rare in the city of Zurich, but there is definitely more in the rest of the Canton. Overall, their number rose from 107 to 128. While the urban share of the Quims-schools, amounted to five years ago around 45 per cent, today it is 29 percent. 14 schools have fallen since 2014 from the program, three had 37 are still there. The main reason for this change: gentrification.

Although the red-and-green city fights with the promotion of affordable housing against this fight for survival, is not to stop the redeployment of the population. While the good earners attracted earlier from the Sunny slopes of the lake, looking for you today, the urban environment, often in former working-class districts. The Look often have migrants from their homes to the city limits and, in addition, distributed – and this is reflected in the folk school.

Demanding parents

to observe this development is in the School district Limmattal, which includes the trend districts in the city of circles 3, 4 and 5. Of the 14 district schools, only eight Quims are entitled. Three schools have fallen in the last two years of the program: the grain house, In the Well, and the school house Zurlinden. The Vice-President of the circle school Board, Bruno Flura, grew up in the sihlfeld district. When his daughters were in Kindergarten, they were almost the only German-speaking children in their groups, he says. “The teachers were focused so much on the support of the Disadvantaged,” said Flura, “and the parents were grateful.” In school evaluations, the schools in the School district Limmattal from the parents most of all the best satisfaction values.

Flura is happy about educated Immigrants, “which brings a better mix of the neighbourhoods,” he says. But with the new residents, the expectations for schools have increased. This felt the teachers and the school authorities. Difficult is that not all schools are equally affected by the change in the population structure.

While the rate of Crossings from the school house Zurlinden to the long-gymnasium has risen within a few years, from virtually zero to around 30 percent, has changed in other district schools little. There are many foreign children go to the nearby cheap city and cooperative settlements to the school. “That’s why we are suddenly faced with Reserved to individual schools,” said Flura. Newcomers fear their children will not be curbed in schools with a bad Image on the way to the high school of children from uneducated families. More and more often they asked a question of Reallocation and separation. Especially Flura interfere with resentment from the Districts evaluated, compared to the old stratum of the population.

the focal point Idaplatz

Ex-headmaster Prince felt the change in the entitlement attitude of the teachers. “We have in the Zurlinden not in Zurich, mountain conditions, but the parents of today and demands,” he says. In addition to the upgrading of the Western road, he considered the development of the trendy Idaplatz as exemplary and exciting. There are many former student would have lived on the inside and students in shared flats and small apartments. Meanwhile, a portion of which has founded by a family and is now rented in larger and newly-renovated apartments in the area, which were previously occupied by migrant families.

witnesses of rapid change: school nurse Bruno Flura and Ex-teacher Hans-Peter Prince. Photo: Andrea payer

the Prince regrets that his Ex-school has lost the Quim’s support, but adds: “We are the money is no longer needed, had to buy additional books, more and less support hours to stop.”

the heterogeneity as an opportunity

Outside the gates of the city, is a contrary development in the corridor. Since 2014, a total of 38 schools were new to the Quims-program, 3 in Zurich, 7 in Winterthur, Switzerland, and 28 in the Agglomeration – including in rural communities such as Dielsdorf, paper or forest.

As Ralph Zollinger, a long-time head of school in the secondary school, Peter moss, in the book, learned two years ago that his school Quims-is entitled to, he was surprised. In Peter moss she had found, while longer, more frequent, Alba came or Portuguese-speaking young people, especially after the new settlements had been based around the station. It is enough for Quim’s money, would not have Zollinger thought. But now he is happy. His school needs money in order to make the youth of the new library tasty. In addition, the Peter moss-Team has launched a project in which secondary school pupils of the third class against a modest payment of only tuition-graders grant. As a Problem he takes many of the foreign language, however, is not true: “We consider heterogeneity as a Chance.”

As a late consequence of the financial crisis in 2008, companies Finance their employees only rarely a private school.

The Statistical office of the Canton has analyzed the changes in the proportion of non-nationals in a recent study, and The concentration on individual municipalities and the city comes to the conclusion that the parts has decreased, the proportion of foreigners is distributed more evenly over the whole Canton. This has according to the study, for several reasons. A the growth of the Agglomeration, which was urban and therefore more immigrants attracted is. But the rising rental rates in Zurich led to many people leaving the former Yugoslavia, the city, especially towards the North. In the lakeside villages, the proportion of foreigners has also increased. Here they were mostly well-educated immigrants from Northern and Western Europe, and North America.

So even the supposed Surprise fits on the current list of Quims-schools in this picture. New primary school Rüschlikon is. It is a late consequence of the financial crisis in 2008. Since then have changed the Situation in the village dramatically, says head of school Michael Müller. The companies in the financial and IT industry brought in foreign employees is much more common in the long term, in Switzerland. In addition, they financed them, only rarely a private school. That is why their children now go more frequently to public school. The left, the number of foreign-language students increase in Rüschlikon so strong that it is enough new for Quim’s money. In addition to Americans and Scandinavians, many currently draw from Asia, Israel and the Arab countries in the Seegemeinde Rüschlikon.

Although these migrants are formed almost without exception, high, Müller glad to have the Quims-money. It is used for translation services in the parents meetings and for internal training.

Created: 20.11.2019, 22:44 PM