explains The published data are less suitable for Triggering a political scandal as the Concerned, to intimidate, Patrick Gensing the ARD-facts finders the Interview tagesschau24.

tagesschau24 : hundreds of politicians, media professionals, artists – who is most affected?

Patrick Gensing: It is quite evenly distributed. The major parties, with the exception of AfD, and it is also very widely: There is a member of the Landtag, the municipal politicians, but also members of Parliament, are affected. Green, Robert Habeck is affected, so also very prominent. We have colleagues from the artistic field, various representatives: Materia, for example, the rappers K. I. Z and also satirist Jan böhmermann, Oliver Welke of the ZDF-“today Show”, “Extra-3 -“. It really is spread very wide and detailed records available in the network.

tagesschau24: colleagues at the ARD-are affected currently?

Patrick Gensing: Exactly the ARD is not affected. Various journalists have published their data there. The above are all phone data, partly also out of date, but they are also released really personal documents, the Unknown.

tagesschau24 : Now it is necessary to distinguish already between highly sensitive data and private data that someone puts into the grid. What is it with government data, with the really high-sensitive things?

Patrick Gensing, ARD-aktuell, with an assessment for the cyber-attack
tagesschau24 12:00 PM, 04.01.2019

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