The Iranian revolutionary guard has begun in the Strait of Hormuz with military manoeuvre. The Exercises began with the arrival of a U.S. aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf.

A day after the entry of the U.S. aircraft carrier “John C. Stennis” in the Persian Gulf, the Iranian revolutionary guard began a large-scale maneuvers in the area. The state television of the country exercises on the rock island Keschm at the entrance to the Gulf. Here, ships, helicopters, drones and shock troops were used.

A U.S. flotilla was previously in the Persian Gulf arrived.

In the maneuver are to be rockets have been tested. According to the Iranian state broadcaster IRIB was the testing of short-haul, according to Fars news Agency, but medium-range missiles. In the IRIB report no recordings of Tests with medium-range missiles, however, were to see.

These Exercises would lead to the enemies, hopefully before the eyes, “how destructive our response to any action from them would be,” – quoted by the official news Agency Irna, the head of the revolutionary guards, General Mohammad Ali Dschafari.

Strategically important Strait

Keschm is the largest island in the Gulf and close the Strait of Hormuz, through which a third of the world’s shipped Oil is transported. Iran has threatened to disrupt Oil transportation through the eye of the needle, should bring the United States in the course of their stricter sanctions after the exit from the nuclear deal with Iran, the oil Exports of the Islamic Republic to a Standstill.

Atlas |Iran |Tehran

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