President Isaac Herzog spoke with the heads of English and German diplomacy in the capital of the Hebrew state, the United States announced it was strengthening its sanctions against Iran, while the Israeli army warned on Tuesday that Tehran would not leave unharmed by his attack. Le Figaro takes stock of tensions between Israel and Iran this Wednesday April 17.
British Foreign Minister David Cameron wants the G7 countries to impose “coordinated sanctions” against Iran, after its unprecedented attack on Israel, he declared on Wednesday to British television, during a visit to Israel. The Jewish state “is making the decision to act” in response to the unprecedented Iranian attack on Saturday evening, David Cameron said. “We hope” that Israel will respond “in a way that contributes as little as possible to an escalation and in a way that is both intelligent and tough,” he added.
David Cameron accuses Iran of being behind “so much malicious activity” in the region, supporting Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis. The heads of diplomacy from the G7 countries, which brings together the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy and Japan, will meet this week in Capri, Italy. They must send “a clear, unequivocal message” to this country and show “a united front,” Cameron said.
The Israeli head of state called on “the whole world” to counter the threat posed by the “regime” in Tehran, during a meeting with the heads of diplomacy of the United Kingdom and Germany on Wednesday in Jerusalem. Isaac Herzog indicated on “The entire world must work decisively and resolutely against the threat posed by the Iranian regime which seeks to undermine the stability of the entire region,” the president added on X.
The interception of Iranian drones and missiles by France last weekend was carried out “in compliance with the Constitution and international law”, according to a letter from the French Minister of the Armed Forces addressed to a member of the radical left. Aurélien Saintoul had requested Monday, in a joint letter with Bastien Lachaud, also a member of France insoumise, for clarification on the conditions in which the French armed forces had intervened on the night of April 13 to 14, contributing with their allies to intercept drones and Iranian ballistic missiles targeting Israel. The deputies considered that the official declarations, in particular from President Emmanuel Macron, were marked by “a certain confusion as to the motives, objectives and modalities of the action of the French forces”, according to this letter of which AFP received a copy.
In his letter, dated April 16, by way of response, which AFP was able to consult, Sébastien Lecornu explains that “the French armed forces intervened while Jordanian airspace was violated by a significant number of drones and missiles launched by Iran against Israel. He adds that the military influence that France has on Jordanian territory was thus “likely to be affected by vectors flying over it”. He assures that the mobilization of French military resources was “necessary and strictly proportionate to the neutralization of this threat”. He also recalls that the presence of French armed forces in the region and as part of the anti-terrorist operation Chammal “was authorized with regard to the Constitution by a vote of Parliament based on its article 35”, authorization which was extended in January 2015. “In this framework, the French armies are authorized to take any useful measure to protect their elements and their influence against any threat from wherever it comes,” finally underlines Sébastien Lecornu.
The United States will impose new sanctions on Iran after the attack on Israel last weekend, the White House announced on Tuesday, indicating that it “expects” that its allies will soon do the same. “In the coming days, the United States will impose new sanctions targeting Iran, including its drone and missile programs,” its Revolutionary Guard Corps and its Department of Defense, Jake Sullivan detailed in a press release. , President Joe Biden’s national security adviser. “These new sanctions, along with other measures, will continue the ongoing pressure on Iran to contain and deteriorate its military capabilities,” added Jake Sullivan.
He also indicated that the American armed forces will endeavor to increase their level of preparation to face possible new drone and missile strikes from Iran. “We expect our allies and partners to quickly follow us with their own sanctions,” notes the press release from Washington, which seems to be on the move on the side of Brussels. “The idea is to expand the existing (sanctions) regime against Iranian drones,” declared the head of EU diplomacy Josep Borrell, after an extraordinary meeting, by videoconference , EU foreign ministers.