“Israeli salt cave the longest in the world”
“An israeli salt cave has been found to be more than ten kilometres long, and strikes, thus, the previous record holder in Iran.”
“the Cave with the name Malham extends through the largest mountains of Sodom. It became famous in the 1980s when about five kilometres could be assessed. But in 2006, the surveyed researchers more than six kilometres of the N3 in the south of Iran, which thus became known as the world’s longest salt cave.”
“in 2017 decided grottentusiasten Yoav Negev to resume efforts to explore Malham. 2018: a first expedition, together with a 30 other and this year continued the survey, this time with a group of 80 speleologist who measured and mapped the cave and was able to determine that it is over ten kilometres long.”
“the Negev tone down that Israel has now taken the title from the political arch-enemy Iran and says he has good contact with the iranian grottentusiaster and would like to visit the iranian mines.”