If freedom is the health of the soul, as the writer Denis Diderot said, then the Greens are probably pretty sick. In this respect, one can only sigh wearily – or pityingly – about the latest advance by the Federal Minister of Food, Cem Özdemir (Greens); to wish you a speedy recovery would be a wasted effort. It is, surprise, a ban designed to protect the citizen from himself. The young citizen, mind you.

Özdemir wants to completely ban television advertising for food that does not meet the requirements of the World Health Organization (WHO) between 6 a.m. and 11 p.m. In addition, child advertising for unhealthy food in magazines, on the Internet, in social media and also in influencer videos should be banned. This is not a very convincing concept, even for prohibition-loving minds: Shouldn’t bakeries or candy shops also be forbidden to fill their display cases during this time?