the Spy bar launches non-alcoholic spirits in the weekend. Nollpromilledrycken is a distilled örtvatten on the juniper, coriander and rooibos with svenskafrikansk descent. With tonic to ginet, according to the tentative task taste just as originaldrinken. Alt-gin drinking already healthy in London klubbvärld according to a relatively sober source.

It would be the closest to malpractice not to kåsera around Stureplanspåfundet. Innekrogen previously panned spirits would now like to get the guests to health spirits falskare than water. I was no Spybar-girl even when they should be there. Imagined obsequiously offered a gin and tonic would just give a painfully bitter aftertaste.

sizzling hot I was also självupptaget söderchic with a partner in Hornstull. Felt therefore only microscopically offended by the exclusionary red stopprepen to a hyper cool krogvärld.

however, There were colleagues on the editorial staff who would rather be flaunted with the vip card to the Spy bar than presskortet. For guys needed fat wallet, for the girls it was enough, with nice tits. Like the Bull Ferdinand swerved, I would rather to söderbarer where I felt both more at ease and completely satisfied, over a glass of red. Considered festspektaklet at Stureplan equally on the basis of then as now.

hittepåsprit at the pub? Can always argue åldershandikapp. Today’s zero-tolerance policy against alcohol and heltolerans against all sorts of drugs, was not totally legitimate in my utesvängperiod. It still feels like a personal low point to question the people who want to health more healthy. Still in progress I. I understand that it can feel sippt and pointless sipping Loka lemon in a bar. But to order drinks at the bitter enbärsvatten is actually Japan-strange. As to smoke elderberries and chocolate cigar with the Cohiba taste.

It may sound like I am advocating more fill at the pub, but I am absolutely no drinkromantiker. It is not vomit in the toalettporslinet I wish this weekend’s Spy bar-guests. Thirst only after some kind of constructive response from any alt-alkorepresentant.

I am still sober enough to realize that the non-alcoholic booze, soon fills the southern bardiskar. Belatedly find the most likely to förortskrogen. And there is a grumpy cow who doesn’t get why she drams of water.