Fødevaremyndighederne grabs now check against the successful juicekonger Christian Bowall and Christian Seiersen.

They have with the concept Frankly Juice turned up to sell juice, which is claimed to be healthier than those of their competitors.

for Example, claimed in the magazine Euroman in the last year that people who drink conventional juice ’to get a concentrated amount of the toxin’.

But now they have got success to provide Aarstiderne, Irma, Løgismose, Meyers and others with their own juice, as they not only have claimed is a liquid vitamin pill’.

In salgsbestræbelserne they have gone far, far longer than the european fødevarepoliti EFSA allows.

even Though they both have a past in the chain Joe & The Juice, which in its time was banned from, among other things, call the juice ‘Arth, Away’ (the Arthritis go away, red.), and even though Christian Bowall is trained erhvervsjurist, they have marketed their juice illegal as the miracle drug.

for Example, they have alleged or implied that their products contain ingredients that can work against arthritis, cancer, calcification in the brain, psoriasis, tissue damage, inflammation and alzheimer’s disease.

It is utterly unsubstantiated claims, and therefore has Fødevarekontrollen given them a fine of 15,000 kroner, accompanied by a furious smiley for a breach of the rules to prevent businessmen to earn money to get sick people and people with sygdomsangst to believe that foods can cure or prevent diseases.

So the Extra Magazine have asked them how they can find to endorse juice as a medicine, with the risk that sick people or people with the fear of the disease are being cheated and in the worst case a model?

on top of the email message:

‘We are sorry, if some consumers have misunderstood our communications. We have in no way had the intention to endorse juice as a medicine.’

In the extension of the regret anpriser the Frankly Juice by, for example, write that ’there are no sealed extension and coloring in our juices and shots’.

The mentions in this connection does not, nor was sealed extension and the dyes in its competitors ‘ juice.

‘We want to consumers have to make a conscious choice, and therefore we will tighten up our communication, so there is no misunderstanding’, says Christian Bowall and Christian Seiersen.

the Fda has Frankly Juice stated: ‘We had no knowledge of the rules.’

the Company places on ‘Instagram, Facebook and website certain ingredients in the Frankly Juice with a beneficial effect on the disease.’