More than 200 pieces of poultry, without datomærkning has been seized on a farm in Esbjerg, denmark. This was stated by the Danish veterinary and food administration.

A consumer has tipped the Danish veterinary and food administration, which since has seized more than 200 geese, turkeys and juleænder at an address at Esbjerg.

On the basis of information from the owner of the property assesses the Fda, there are sold at least 100 poultry without the legally required licenses to slaughter and sell poultry.

The more than 200 pieces of poultry in the frostrum lacked also datomærkning, like the owner had not completed the statutory, self-monitoring and risk assessment of the activities of his food business, says the press release from the Danish veterinary and food administration.

All consumers that have juleænder and other poultry from the property, are encouraged to either discard them or return them to the manufacturer.

It does not appear whether the goods are hazardous or not.