Tempo 30 at Rigiplatz, test nocturnal Tempo 30 on various streets, Lane reductions on Utoquai, a traffic light regime on the incidence of axes, which makes the traffic to trickle in in the city: the efforts of The city of Zurich to protect the population against noise, the Civic is a horror. They accuse the city, to scare motorists and going to be in the city limits stop. The Crux of the matter: The city may provide Tempo-30-signs on the main roads, as long as it does not take structural measures. Also, you can adjust the light signals themselves.

Against this exemption at the cantonal signaling regulation is the earlier of the FDP in the city Council and current member of the Parliament Marc Bourgeois has to be made together with allies from SVP and BDP, a parliamentary motion in the cantonal Parliament, which has him in 2016, paid promptly, with 98 votes against 71 to the state Council. This was pleased and announced, “check adjustments” to the regulation. The government may change the regulation in self-directed, and delegated the task to national economic Director Carmen Walker Späh (FDP). In response to Bourgeois’ initiative, the government referred to the lane reduction on the Utoquai. This had set the city court, and the Canton had to accept that his Power is limited to the city of Zurich transport of Saxony.

left to right

Now, to be circumcised, the influence of the cities of Zurich and Winterthur, the road matters since 1981 a special status. The transport Commission of the Kantonsrats (Kevu) has dealt with several parliamentary initiatives to change the Canton’s road law. With 9 votes to 6, the two Central initiatives were adopted, such as yesterday it became public. For SVP, FDP, CVP, BDP and EDU have argued, in contrast, SP, GLP, Green, and EPP.

The strongest push came from the pen of Jürg Trachsel (SVP, Richterswil), which is now the cantonal Ombudsman. He wanted to escape with Rico Brazerol (BDP, Horgen), and Heinz Kyburz (EDU, Männedorf) the two big cities of all the skills on the main roads. The Kevu has taken over the project, but mitigated. The second major proposal came from Alex Gantner (FDP, Maur), Marcel lenggen Hager (BDP, Gossau) and Thomas Vogel (FDP Illnau-Effretikon). Their direction was the same: The competences between the cities and the Canton should be re-regulated. Specifically, the Canton should have a new road construction project of about 6 million Swiss francs in the Lead. The same is true for road projects in excess of 300’000 Swiss francs.

new edition of 2010

Some may well have a Déjà-vu. In fact, Gantners advance is largely a template from the year 2010. And this it had in it. The former Economics Director Rita Fuhrer (SVP) had, after years of quarrels with the city of Zurich is enough and suggested the removal of the cities in the road questions. Zurich and Winterthur, fought back, but found only in the Left ear.

But the Parliament of the Canton of browsing in the template, turned a few pirouettes, until the Revision was dismissed in November 2011, with 125 to 39 votes. Thereafter, the Civil asked in surprise, as a template edge could fail, which was in Parliament a majority. Responsible to the SVP, which wanted no speed-20 zones, and no prioritization of public transport was, in the end – in addition to aspects of road law. Leader successor to Ernst Stocker (SVP) had fought to the milf porno last for the template. In a recent call, he implored the member of the Parliament: “If left and right are not satisfied we are with our proposal not so bad,” he said. But after that was able to laugh at the Left into the sleeve. And the cities were glad that it stayed with the Status quo.

governments want to obtain any position

so Now the new edition, which is expected after the elections in the spring of 2019 to the BIC plenary. The Bourgeois are willing to make it better this Time. With the decision of the Commission is on track, says the city of Zurich FDP cantonal councillor Marc Bourgeois, of, has pushed the dismantling of the city itself. Who’ll pay for a road, should also determine the rules on it. More importantly, the above-mentioned signals regulation, he finds. Therein is regulated, whether or not the Canton or the cities to the Canton of the pace of roads may determine. Also transport politicians, Christian Lucek of the SVP stresses the importance of the signalling regulation. “I very much hope that the government will adapt them in our minds.” The Canton must be able to set the speed limits on the roads themselves. A Triumph over Zurich, the not but.

the governments of The affected cities of Zurich and Winterthur, wanted to relate in the present state of the business. Your representatives have spoken at the Kevu.

New harmony

at risk is Quite different to the SP. According to a member of the Parliament Felix Hoesch, the only one in the city of Zurich in the Kevu, is the good relationship between the Canton and the city on the game. In fact, since the departure of the leader of the dialogue, factual light. The “demonstration of power” of the Canton of submission no sense, Hoesch. The cantonal civil engineering office, people would have to do, and until this well is placed, stand on Zurich’s streets to a standstill. In addition, the Canton would have to continue to work closely with the city, because this advantage in the case of the opportunity for buildings to replace the factory lines. Hoesch is also of the opinion that the Canton at the risk of losing the Goodwill of the Zurich city Council on the subject of rose garden tunnel – what is to him personally a matter of indifference: “I would be pleased if the city Council will be Yes to the Tunnel to reconsider,” says Hoesch. SP, the greens and the AL are against the multi-billion project.

The SP-sections of Zurich and Winterthur can think of to support towns and cities to take the municipal referendum against the new road law. The Problem with this: “I do not believe that such would have been in the Canton of a Chance,” says the Zurich-based SP-municipal Councilor Simone Brander.


Created: 06.12.2018, 22:17 PM