Sonia Bompastor steps forward confidently. The OL Féminin coach assured Friday that her team, one of the “best in the world”, had “all the talent” to win its ninth European title and to beat FC Barcelona, ​​on the eve of the final of the Women’s Champions League in Bilbao (Saturday, 6 p.m.).

Title holders, Barça “have evolved in recent years, there are world-class players, players capable of eliminating, but we have our strengths and we know our qualities, we have worked on them since the start of the season », declared at a press conference OL captain Wendie Renard, who is playing her 11th Champions League final, assuring that “collectively, we are ready and we want to give everything”.

During this poster, the most beautiful in Europe, “there will be no animosity” against Barça, beaten in the final in 2022, underlined the Lyonnaise: “We are quite serene, calm and determined”. Sonia Bompastor, expected to join Chelsea next season and who could lead her last match with Lyon on Saturday, supported the words of her defender: “OL showed and proved that it was a team which won a lot of titles in terms of national and European and this year’s team is in continuity. “I know that there is all the talent to achieve this objective”: winning the 9th Champions League for the Lyon club.

OL, “it’s the best club in the world and it will continue to remain one of the best,” said Bompastor, adding that at Barça, they “changed their training methodology.” “They recruited new players, it’s not the same team” as in 2022 when OL won. This defeat “had a big impact” on the Catalans, according to the French technician.

On Saturday, Lyon will be able to count on all of its players apart from Eugénie Le Sommer, who has had knee surgery. Returning from injuries – not communicated by the club – for several days, Griedge Mbock and Ada Hegerberg “pretend to be starters”, declared the coach, even if it seems more likely that they will come into play.