The impending purchase of 700 apartments at the Karl-Marx-Allee by the real estate group, Deutsche Wohnen will be discussed in the Senate, between the coalition parties and with the district of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg for weeks. Now a solution to the problem is in the offing, at least in principle. The SPD, Left and Green to be determined, “to protect tenants against displacement, and intolerable rent increases” in the meantime, the coalition Committee.

You have agreed on a “re-nationalisation model,” it said after the meeting on Wednesday. There are four residential blocks, attractive buildings in the sugar Baker style of the Stalin Era, in which some tenants live for decades. For the D Block-South, is located in an environment protection area, is to be exercised, the district right of pre-emption in favour of the housing society Mitte (WBM). All other tenants that do not benefit from this right of first refusal will be offered the purchase of their own apartment, the minutes of the coalition Committee, which is the daily mirror.

The future owner will receive a low-interest credit from the investment Bank Berlin. This had been proposed by Finance Minister Matthias Kollatz (SPD). It also opens up the possibility of the newly-acquired condominium in the urban WBM to sell. This “model of the extended sale” is to be accompanied by the legal firm GSK Stockmann legally. In addition, the financial management is to check whether the previous land register entries of rights in favour of the WBM or the purchase, lessee can be derived.

state-owned purchase Fund for real estate will be increased

It is legally and financially very complicated transactions, of which Senator Kollatz is not at all thrilled. But he does now. Next Tuesday, the Senate will decide. Time is of the essence. If the right of first refusal for the apartments, either by the district or the affected tenant, not to the 5. January is perceived to be, can redeem the Deutsche Wohnen their option to purchase.

daily mirror people


to order, in addition to the legal questions must also be made cost-effectiveness calculations, so that the means for the direct or indirect housing can be released purchase of the public sector from the state budget. Money is available in sufficient quantity. With the supplementary budget for 2018/19, which will be decided on Thursday in the house of representatives, increase the size of the state-owned purchase Fund for real estate by a further 50 million euros to a total of 150 million euros. For the perception of municipal pre-emption has flown down rights in environment protection areas from this pot so far, only a fraction.

the SPD, Left and greens have Given the coalition Committee, apparently, nothing. There had been a “tough war of words and ugly scenes”, reports of the participants. The one accused the local district councillor Florian Schmidt (Green), the other to the Senator of Finance Kollatz, to be with their own proposals to the public forged ahead without a coalition to coordinate internally.

Kollatz criticized, in turn, that the Left wanted to prevent the purchase of a number of tenants in the Karl-Marx-Allee in your own apartment and also keep it. You should not demonize this Property by tenant. Despite the agreement of all coalition partners are still not sure that the solution works in practice. “The matter is not yet home and dry”, was heard after the session. There are “many pitfalls”.

coalition Committee adjourned debate on transport policy and people’s desire

Overall, the mood in the coalition was relaxed Committee in no way Christmassy. This Thursday, in the last parliamentary session of this year, must transport Senator Regine Günther (Green) through a disapproval of the request of the CDU. In all three government parties have been assured that Red-Red-Green closed against the request. Although the expulsion of the sick Secretary of state for transport, Jens-Holger Kirchner (Green) by Günther also in the Green a great lack of understanding came across.

With regard to the Soul of the Green adjourned the coalition Committee, the planned debate on transport policy issues. About the problems of public transport, in particular in the case of the BVG, want to talk to the experts of the SPD, Left and Greens in the next few days separately. Also, other controversial issues were excluded. The internal dispute over the neutrality act (headscarf ban) and possible tightening up of the law on Police. Especially in the case of the Left there are concerns now are the safety experts of the coalition until the middle of January.

If not, it moves the Problem back in the coalition Committee. And actually, the SPD, Left and Green wanted to talk again about dealing with the current referendum. There is more video surveillance, more hospital staff, and an ad-free Berlin. Also the has been postponed until 2019.

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solution to the Karl-Marx-Allee

Thomas Loy

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