“Kärnväljarna abandon M: ”KD stands for a better policy” “”

“the Voters continue to escape from the Conservatives. “

“In many places, failing kärnväljarna Ulf Kristersson and internally in the party would like to see more clarity and less anxiety.”

“I think that many moderate voters think that KD’s family is very good, and they are a little bit tougher when it comes to immigration,” says Djursholmsbon Bear Kihlsten, 73.”

“Since the election in september, the Conservatives lost badly with voters. The latest measurement from the Aftonbladetu002FInizio shows that we have lost over four percentage points and would only have 15.7% of the votes if there were elections today. “

“It is the lowest figure since the surveys began in 2014 and just shy close to the result in belarus in 2002, as in the batch is often used as a scare story.”

“A problem is that the voters in the party’s strongholds have begun to look elsewhere. The M losing constituents to KD, according to the poll.”

“Djursholmare gravitates toward KD”

“Aftonbladet visiting Djursholm, on walpurgis night. It is mösspåtagning and some prospective students from Danderyds gymnasium launches the celebrations at the pizzeria La Piazza.”

” I think more and more are voting for The sweden democrats and the Christian democrats. Many of the schools here have gone to the christian democrats youth wing, says Simon Schmidt, 19.”

“The young voters think that Ebba Busch Thor played a big role, and feel that it is a bit messy in the M.”

“– To find a strong leader, I think it is important, rather than what they stand for politically. As in the US, for example, with Trump. To have someone who can steer the country in the right direction, ” says Valter Ragnesjö, 18.”

“”EBT is straight, she is””

“Also senior moderatväljare in Djursholm, just look toward the KD. 82-year-old Christer Ardell has lived in Seattle for 60 years, and been ”pretty faithful” Conservatives through the years, but are now weighing in to the KD.”

“– the Party which is quite popular, she is good in addition. Clear and clear. Ulf Kristersson is a bit weaker, tamer, I think.”

“For 76-year-old Maud is a school, health and elderly care, most importantly, questions where she thinks M lost in recent years. She believes in Ulf Kristersson but feel that she has not yet got a grip on the party.”

“Ebba Busch Thor, on the other hand:”

” She is dangerous, she is good. She is straight, she is.”

“Internally, people are now demands that the party leadership must turn the tide.”

“Lars-Ingvar Ljungman, chair of the M in Scania, explains the low brace with ambiguity. “

“– And so there is still this thing that people are unsure whether they can rely on us. We have swung in different issues. It may not be the best way to build trust in a political party, ” he says.”

“He now hopes that the work of the M-management is initiated, with a new idépolitiskt program and a integrationskommission, shall bear fruit.”

“– There are expectations that it should be able to turn around, become more positive and thereby also give more support in the opinion polls.”

“Ljungman belongs to those who believe that KD’s notice in regeringsfrågan, that it is prepared to negotiate policy with The sweden democrats, is one of the reasons that they have increased sharply, while the M plummeted in public opinion.”

“15.7 per cent is also lower than what the party had in the polls when Anna Kinberg Batra was forced off. For Kristersson, the situation is still not as acute as it was for his predecessor.”

” I did not feel that we have no corresponding mood now that we had then. In all cases, we have it not yet, ” says Ljungman.”

“Benjamin Dousa, chairman of the Moderate youth league, I also think that M which the party has been too weak and fearful.”

” it is Now time for us to toughen us a bit and criticize the government and their allies much sharper than what we have done so far. “

“– the nuclear issue is one such issue where the party actually dared to be able to handle even if it does come in for some criticism. I had wanted to see even around integration and security.”

“Joakim Larsson, chairman of the M in the city of Stockholm, believe that the prevailing turbulent situation in Swedish politics after the election not benefited the M, but that he is not so concerned.”

“– But it is clear that the current opinionsläge is not good. Now, we have initiated several key processes, around performace institution, integrationskommissionen and the new Swedish model. We must have patience now and have the courage to let the work take its time before the election in 2022, ” he says.”

“, ”KD can be greater than M ‘ ”

“Djursholmsbon Bear Kihlsten, 73, see an identity crisis within the party and believe that the old moderate voters don’t really know where the Conservatives stand today. For example, lost in his speach to the nation during the Reinfeldtåren.”

“M will not get the Bear Kihlstens vote in the EUROPEAN elections.”

“– I think KD is a better policy, that suits me. I think they can be bigger than the Conservatives, it is not at all impossible. Ebba Busch Thor has been stable and it will be a tough match between the two, I think.”

“He would like to see the M should tighten the cooperation with the KD and SD, and have nothing against a conservative block.”

“– It is my personal opinion, that you absolutely must listen more to The sweden democrats.”