“The christian democrats want to earmark äldremiljarder”

“the Christian democrats are proposing a pot of 2 billion in earmarked dollars from 2020, which shall be distributed to municipalities that improve conditions for staff in elderly care. 600 million should go to education.”

“– In many municipalities goes there is political prestige in many projects and you choose to prioritize things that are not a part of the welfare tasks, care of the elderly is. Therefore, the earmarks we money, ” says KD-leader Ebba Busch Thor when the party vårmotion, a response to the government’s spring fiscal policy bill, presented.”

“In vårmotionen pulls the party up the lines for what you believe are a priority from next year and up to and including 2022. The other day presented the christian democrats and the moderate party in a joint response to the government’s vårändringsbudget for this year, but vårmotionen is all about the coming years and it is the Conservatives not on.”

“KD suggest reforms for 4.6 billion per year from 2020. The 2.6 of them is about the care of the elderly, but 1 billion of them consists in that the KD also earmark a part of the already pledged 10 billion in general grants to municipalities for the next year.”

“the Municipalities may apply for money and then get support on the basis of how they meet four criteria: to reduce public tours and improve schedules, reduce turnover, and make more employees happy and involved, and reducing the number of employees that each manager has responsibility for.”

“do not Trust the politicians?”

“For the Swedish association of local authorities and regions (SALAR) is earmarked funding from the government, almost a dirty word that means that municipalities must put effort into seeking money, instead of the actual trusted with the responsibility to use them in the best way.”

“But the KD do not rely really on to local politicians staking the right – hence the need earmarked billion, according to the party leader Ebba Busch Thor.”

” We know that many municipalities rather than putting money in the municipal skrytbyggen, at the same time that the elderly may face up to 24 brand new faces in the 14 days. It is not reasonable, ” says Busch Thor.”

“In vårmotionen suggest KD reforms for the years 2020-2022.”

“a year, it is about 4.6 billion, of which 1 billion is ring-fencing of already promised general funding from the government.”

“2 billion is proposed to the care of the elderly in order to support that the municipalities can get some of if they improve the conditions for staff in the care of the elderly.”

“600 million by 2020 and 650 million per year in 2021 and 2022 is spent on training in the care of the elderly.”

“1.8 billion per year will go to increase the equity ownership of the housing, through a focus on automated, benefited bosparande, increased housing allowances and more leasehold. It is built for many rental apartments in the day, think KD.”

“to 200 million by 2020, 300 million in 2021 and $ 400 million in 2022 to KD set aside to build more sites at the jails and prisons.”

“KD indicates no funding. The responses should come in the fall, in budgetmotionen for 2020.”

“Source: the Christian democrats”