“Kitty: Prison released inmate mistakenly”
“Of the week was released a person by mistake from custody in Gothenburg, sweden. “
“the prison service said that the reason is that a prosecutor arrived with the incorrect instructions.”
“– What I do know is this person still on the loose, ” says häkteschefen Malin Sparrström.”
“The mistaken release took place on Wednesday. When placing a person on the loose despite the fact that he really would have still been behind bars. “
“– What I can say is that a client is released from custody who would not have been released. We have launched a special investigation to find out how this could happen, ” says häkteschefen Malin Sparrström. “
” of Course it is so that the clients who are sitting in detention shall be left here until a different decision is taken. I’m looking very seriously at what has happened, and it is important that it is investigated thoroughly.”
“Still on the loose”
“After the mistake was discovered, so hit häktespersonalen alarm to the police. Malin Sparrström stated, however, that it was accidentally freed the prisoner has been arrested yet.”
” What I know is the person still on the loose.”
“It is unknown what crime the detainee is suspected of.”
“– generally speaking, so speak to us, we never details, such as related to matters of this kind. “
“According to information provided to Aftonbladet is a confusion behind the blunder. It released the names and social security numbers should be very similar to that of another inmate, that would actually be released.”
“What has happened in this case, we can not comment before the investigation is complete,” says Malin Sparrström.”
“Later denied Ulf Mossberg, press officer at the Swedish prison and Probation service that the staff mixed up the personal data.”
” It was a prosecutor who called and said that a certain person would be released, but in fact, the client would remain in custody.”
“Close to the killer was released.”
“a short time ago, it was close to another prisoner released by mistake from the same custody, the hearts of Aftonbladet. At a extrakontroll discovered, however, the prison officers what was going on, and stopped the release.”
“A similar incident occurred at the end of 2018. It was then that Ibrahim Dahir, who were later convicted for the so-called dikesmordet in Hjällbo, was released from Göteborgshäktet. “
“Dahir has notified the incident to the parliamentary Ombudsman, JO. In a response to the authority, state Probation, that it is a ”single mistake” rather than a lack of procedures.”