the Conflict between the 57-year-old former toppchefen and the Swedish Housing has been going on since 2017. Then said the landlord raised the lease with the woman because there was evidence that she had provided false information in connection with the lägenhetsbytet 2014 and paid the 2.4 million black to get over the contract for the 266-square-metre property let at of seven rooms and kitchen situated in one of Stockholm’s most sought-after addresses.
the most talked about people in the top tier of the confederation of Swedish enterprise, has constantly denied that she has paid black for sjurummaren and claim that everything has gone right. The money she has spent on the refurbishment of the tenancy. Therefore, the objections she Swedish Residential eviction.
Now, the matter has been settled in the rent tribunal in Stockholm.
Hyresnämnden writes in the judgment that it is possible to conclude that the 57-year-old woman has paid the money, and thus made himself guilty of a svartkontrakt.
sjurummaren against a minor third in the same district, where she was registered. The woman moved to hyrestrean after selling a condominium at 237 square feet, which generated nearly 30 million.
When the Swedish Housing examined bostadsturerna revealed that his three had been used by a variety of persons, including toppchefen, what they meant was skenbyten.
the Man who she switched three with took also already have a tenant and had therefore never intend never to move to third grade, according to the Swedish Homes.
it is not possible to prove – despite all the tours around the apartment – that the woman only used hyrestrean for skenbyte because she has lived there. ”Thus, it is not shown that she provided any incorrect information relating to byteslägenheten XXX”, writes the rent tribunal.
the rent tribunal determines that the woman has ”through false information or misleading persuaded the landlord to go with the booty” and is thus in the landlord’s line to evict the former näringslivschefen.
The 57-year-old woman has now to July 31 to move from the dwelling.
Read more: Known top manager was evicted from the luxury apartment – is suspected of having paid millions for contracts