Fines from Fødevarekontrollen and criticism from disappointed customers and from former employees.

It was the reason for the Extra Leaf at the end of 2016 set out to describe the situation in the then 25-year-old Cafe Obelix on Vesterbro Square in Copenhagen.

the Place has every weekend for years had success with offering inexpensive brunch buffet, but the Fda was not impressed.

Café Obelix is on our list of black sheep, as we quite often visit with two supervisors instead of one. We have handed out many fines, because the company has not addressed concerns, said a commander in the Danish veterinary and food administration in the article, which appeared in January of last year.

Here documented the Fda for years back, there was kødrester in a corner on a greasy and mucky køkkengulv. Photo: Danish Veterinary And Food Administration.

But it was now the cafe tobakssalg and knaldtilbud on hard alcohol in the evening and night, which prompted this newspaper to wonder, and turn to the supposed francisegiver, the French publishing house Les Éditions Albert René, which owns all of the rights to Asterix and Obelix.

As most of the other providers of children’s entertainment has Albert René namely temperate principles for the sale of intoxicants.

So how could it find the place, Obelix his name to the more or less uncontrollable drukfest, which will be held at the copenhagen café. five Saturday and Sunday morning?

the Publisher argued that it was unaware of its existence. You stated to Ekstra Bladet, that the man was surprised and Obelix-the name and tegneseriefigurerne was used in a context where it was sold beer and hard liquor.

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Everywhere on the café’s equipment stack Obelix his head forward. Photo: Linda Johansen

In Paris were furious over this, which they perceived as very offensive misuse of the mark, so one plastered in november 2016, the Danish law firm Koch/Christensen at Café Obelix, with the requirement that all use of the Obelix trade mark should be discontinued immediately. Cost what it would.

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the law Firm took the bl.a. this picture at Café Obelix. Photo credit: Koch/Christensen

the law Firm asked one of his young employees visit the place, where he, under the cover of cafékunde discreetly photographed the somewhat amateurish performed the Asterix and Obelix drawings, which were to be found everywhere on the interior and exterior.

the Pictures were sent to France, where, as particularly encountered the neat intellectual publishers in Paris, was to see a painting of their beloved work, the great monoliths-hugger, portrayed ‘with the end of the limb in an explicit sexual situation’ as it was called in formal terms.

That Obelix was shown with the stiff penis, perceived as utterly objectionable, as the owner of the gay-friendly café, Søren Nissen, removed the painting to regret for LGBT media Out & About. But otherwise dismissed the Goblin pure, that he violated the publisher’s rights.

It came to pass with regard to that a former owner had told that he by telephone in 1993 had been given the green light to use the name. The authorisation was given by a today unknown woman, of the Danish publisher Gutenberghus, which released the Asterix comic book in Denmark.

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the Pictures were sent to France, where the owners of the Asterix and Obelix was furious. Photo credit: Koch/Christensen

Søren Nissen was pulled in the Maritime and Commercial court, where he lost.

a year ago was that of the judgment:

’the Café does not have any form of title to its use of Albert René’s rights,’ and that is ‘prejudicial to the author’s artistic reputation, that Obelix was used in conjunction with alcohol and a sexual act’, it sounded, for example.

Read the full judgment here.

Café Obelix should have a new name and stop abusing the images of Obelix.

in the cafe before christmas 2017 pay a salary of 600.000 kr. to have used the Obelix trade mark, and in addition to paying a advokatregning on 67.000 dkk. as well as dropping its domain name – and, incidentally, eliminate its presence on Facebook and Instagram.

A lawyer who in 1993 working for Gutenberghus, told in court that he did not know that a café owner should have asked for permission to use the Obelix name. And that he would have referred to the former restaurateur to the French company.

But Søren Nissen and appealed the case to the Østre Landsret, which considered the case 3. september of this year.

In court reiterated Søren Nissens attorney an argument that the cafe has ‘larmet’ so much in the Danish public, such as for example bus adverts and in the press, to his counterpart in France had been inactive. The French would have known of its existence and therefore protested in the past, he said.

Something, as the high court pure rejected.

‘Having regard to Cafe Obelix’ local location, and the predominantly local marketing, the investment Firm (Café Obelix, red.) not satisfied that Albert René, if the company is situated in France, has had the opportunity to respond earlier than happened’, it sounded in the judgment.

In court it ended in a quarrel between Søren Nissens lawyer and John Kahlke from the law firm of Koch/Christensen, who represented the Albert René.

Photo: Linda Johansen

Photo: Jonas Olufson

Kahlke accused, for example, Søren Nissen to have a bad commercial ethos.

– He violates deliberately fødevarelovningen and just take the fines that come, sounded the accusation, whereupon the goblin’s lawyer Gitte Løvgren Larsen immediately replicerede that she felt there was talk of defamation and untruths.

But Kahlke continued. He harcelerede over the goblin’s alkoholudskænkning, including over Obelix’ drukarrangement, J-day, which is held the day, where this year’s christmas brew is launched.

– It is a terrible ritual in which students must drink in the fence on a certain day in november, said Kahlke.

But then showed Gitte Løvgren Larsen evidence of that in the parisian amusement park Parc Astérix, which is owned by the aggrieved publishers, søreme also served beer – without this conflict with the publisher’s alcohol policy.

But just a little, it helped.

the high Court upheld the Maritime and commercial court’s judgment. Pay 600.000 kr. plus legal costs. It is money, as Søren Nissen. In his company there namely 5.8 million. kr. in equity.

Read dombogen from The high Court here.

Søren Nissen had before decreased judgment, said that if he lost, he would have had to spend an additional 300,000. on the replacement of sunshades and interior – as well as spend an unknown amount on to incorporate a new name.

And a new name he should have, so there was printed a competition among our many Facebook followers.

They suggested, for example, Café Ole Soutar, Café Osterix, Café Obefiks, Café Abelix, Café Miraculax, Café The paladin galler, Café Ragnarok, Café Bauta, Café Gaul, Café Potion, Café Bullermand, Pansermalle, Café Gallerknold, Café Gallerriget Café Opel, Café Øbeliks or Nobelix, Café Galler-Pot and Café Gallerkroen.

A Facebook user suggested, with reference to the historic breach of the fødevarereglerne to call the site ‘Café Fiksfakseri’, but the bid quickly disappeared from the café’s Facebook thread.

And the new name was Café Troll.

All Obelix characters, names and logos are removed from Vesterbro Torv, where the umbrellas have not yet been replaced, but Obelix-the name has been cut out of the fabric.

the Café has now. got a elitesmiley of good hygiene. The café has indicated that it believes that the criticism which fødevaremyndighederne in his time gave, corresponded to what was usual in the industry. Søren Nissen does not want to comment for this article.

Photo credit: Jonas Olufson

One of the Café Trolds Facebook followers think it looks cheap and half-hearted.