If you need to reach to experience the Danish comedian Sofie Hagen one last time on Danish soil, you must hurry.

In a statement on his Instagram profile makes she it clear that she is finished with the Danish comedy scene.

‘My two shows in Denmark in april will be my last two shows in Denmark. I just can’t, or it is not it. I can well, I will just not’, and opens her longer lookup with.

In the post explains the 30-year-old comedian, that she is tired of having to answer questions from reporters about, among other things obesity and sexism, and of having to explain and define what feminism is.

Sofie Hagen has for several years been living in London.

‘Denmark is in many ways the best place I have lived. It is beautiful, and it is my home. But I may not endure one interview, where I can’t be allowed to talk about my standup, but should explain or define feminism instead’, she writes.

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Sofie Hagen has for several years been an active voice in the feminism debate. Photo: Stine Tisvilde

‘I have been asked questions like ‘Have you ever experienced something ‘fedthadende or sexist?’ What? What? Of course I have it’, she writes provoked in the advertisement.

According to Sofie Hagen is she not the only one who has been going to have to make up with the fatherland. In the advert, she describes how the ‘activists leaving or considering leaving Denmark’.

Sofie Hagen is not the only female comedian who recently pulled the plug from the Danish comedy-industry. Just three weeks ago announced his colleague Sanne Søndergaard also its exit from the industry.

Among other things, because she felt bullied and harassed as a woman.

she told in an interview with the ‘Deadline’ on DR2.

– It is, like if you are in a relationship with a person who commits psychological violence against a. Even if you love him, so you can’t be there, for it destroys the self. I love standup, I love doing standup, I love my audience, but I can’t be in the standup industry, for it makes the simply too hurt, she says in the interview.

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Sanne Søndergaard feel harassed in the Danish standup-industry. Pr photo

Further she explained in the interview that she is through the time as standupper has been met with comments like ‘here smells like pussy’, ‘women are not funny’, and ‘you are only here, because we’ve been in bed together’.

– One of the reasons that I am a passionate kønsdebattør, is that I have experienced so much sexism. I have been told countless times that I’m not fun, because I am a woman. I have been told that I can not come up with on projects, because I am a woman. I have been fired from projects, because I am a woman. I may not be allowed to fold my talent, because I am a woman, it sounded from her in the tv program.

Ekstra Bladet has tried to get a comment from Sofie Hagen, but she is at the time of writing not be returned on our request.

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