– We will get a european electricity prices

In an interview with Dagsavisen is a Lie critical to the increasing spending.

– I don’t think the government is on the right path. There has been high spending – higher than one might expect from konjunktursituasjonen. And it has not been clear priorities. It has increased steadily all the way and been little reforms that pulls in the direction of more effective spending, ” says Lie, who is employed at the University in Oslo.

Perspektivmeldingen, as minister of finance Siv Jensen (progress party) put forward in 2017, shows that oljepengebruken can’t grow nearly as much forward as it has done in the last few years.

If not, the government takes a grip, the state must from 2030, the need to cut five billion annually because of increased costs, particularly for pensions and healthcare.

Lie miss signs of effective spending and think it is hard to get outside of increased taxes and increased user fees.

– In the long term the level of tax governed by the public expenditure. The right has followed with a steady and strong growth in the public sector. These expenses must be funded. It means that you must increase taxes in the long term if you should not succeed with the optimistic ambitions about improving efficiency, ” says Lie. the

Erna Solberg defends budsjettgrep: – My suggestion