With undiplomat of Manifestations has Lebet, the Swiss Ambassador in Kosovo, Jean-Hubert, a fierce debate to the political class of the young Balkan state is triggered. For his criticism of corrupt politicians Live will be celebrated in social media. One of the mentioned politician has been forced to counter allegations from the Swiss. Infrastructure Minister Pal Lekaj told the TV station T7, that should not interfere Live in the political Affairs of Kosovo. Lekaj was displeased about the criticism that the government’s veterans the wrong war with pensions alimentiere. Lekaj said that he felt offended by Lebets Manifestations. “If I could decide,” said Lekaj, “I would refer him immediately to the country.”

Lekaj is a member of the so-called Alliance for the future of Kosovo (AAK), the party of Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj. Since September of 2017, the 56-officiates-year-old politician and former doctor, as a Minister for infrastructure. Against Lekaj own investigations of a special Prosecutor for abuse of office to run. Of several media, he was accused of nepotism. Minister Lekaj should have a daughter-in-law at the state Telecom company housed.

EDA: funds will need to correct.

used His Statements against corrupt politicians, the Swiss Ambassador made on Wednesday on the occasion of the inauguration of the Switzerland-financed water supply project in the small town of Skenderaj. Live geisselte the rampant corruption in Kosovo and the systematic abuse of public funds. You will not make forever to development aid, warned by the Pond.

On request, the EDA has taken a position on the speech of the Pond. It is one of the tasks of a message, to accompany projects for development and cooperation, closely, “so the correct use can be used to ensure public resources (including tax money).” The Manifestations Lebets were made in this context.

“the Swiss Ambassador said, think of what all”

The British Ambassador in Kosovo, Ruari O’connell, was behind Live. “The Swiss Ambassador said that, what you all think”, he let it be known on Facebook. “For people who love Kosovo, the time has come, against crime and corruption.” Christian Heldt, Ambassador of Germany in Kosovo, the solid, the linearized via Twitter with the Swiss Ambassador.

Switzerland and Germany have invested a lot of money in the development of cooperation of Kosovo. “We are proud of what we have for the people in Kosovo.” However, there are legitimate questions about the spending policy of the Kosovo government. “Our taxpayers need to know what your money in Kosovo is issued.” In the course of Friday, the US Ambassador reported in Kosovo on Twitter. Philip S. Kosnett agreed with the statements of the Swiss Ambassador.

Also in Kosovo, well-known publicist Veton Surroi, intervened in the controversy to Live and Lekaj. He criticized the attack of Lekaj to the Swiss Ambassador. And he called on the Kosovar Ministry of foreign Affairs to apologise to the Pond. In the meantime, Lekaj accuses the media to have his statements interpreted incorrectly. He didn’t demand expulsion of the Ambassador.

In the social media will continue to run the debate around Kosovo’s political class continues unabated. The infrastructure Minister, of all people, would refer to the Ambassador of Switzerland to the loved ones of the country, is bad. Because it is generally acknowledged that Switzerland has done a lot for Kosovo and still does.

Switzerland is one of the most important donor States

During the war in Kosovo in 1998/99, Switzerland took in many refugees and provided humanitarian aid, and then she organized a substantial return and reintegration assistance. She was involved with Swisscoy troops to the peacekeeping. Eleven years ago, Switzerland was one of the first States that the new state of Kosovo recognised. Switzerland continues to be one of the most important Partner and donor countries of Kosovo. Current cooperation programs are running in the amount of around 70 million Swiss francs. These projects will promote democratic governance and decentralization, economy and employment, water supply and climate change management, as well as health. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 29.03.2019, 20:53 PM