pictures of demonstrations against President Vucic in the Serbian media. The country is soon to join the EU. However, the freedom of the press is bad, complain of Serbian journalists.
Jugoslav Cosic looks tired. Since the early Morning of the news-chief of the private Serbian news channel N1 on the go in Brussels. Ambassadors, representatives of the Commission and told journalists Cosic, how difficult reporting in Serbia had become. Especially since the regular demonstrations in Belgrade against the Serbian government.
“We are the only TV channel that has accompanied from the very first day all the protests. Has shown his audience what was really going on. Who does not see us, for it is difficult to understand what is happening on the road.”
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fallen operates As a partner station of CNN N1 in Serbia, with a license from Luxembourg. Since the cable went out for the Balkans five years ago, on the air, reported Cosic, will N1 discredited in Serbia, hampered and threatened – via Online networks and Pro-government media. In the current Ranking of global press freedom by “reporters without borders” is Serbia slipped to 90th place.