Many in the new group looking for other diagnoses – such as self-injury, neuropsychiatric disorders and anorexia. Several parents also tells us that the issue of gender identity came suddenly and unexpectedly in their teenager’s life. And according to the TV-program has several regretted their gender correction treatments or hesitate if they are really done right.

he explains that he and his colleagues at the Karolinska university hospital, noted the increase. He has also met with the patients after the age of eighteen years, coming to his reception for the adults.

– that which is taken up in the programme is something that must be carefully studied. The issue becomes even more complicated when there are other diagnoses in the picture and it requires great knowledge and care of those who come in contact with this patient group.

Stefan Arver has followed many transsexuals and know what momentous thing it is to undergo gender correction treatments. To take hormones for that woman have a beard and bigger muscles, or as you get larger tits – it is not like taking a huvudvärkspiller or put on a patch.

– To really make a proper investigation is necessary. It is a delicate process to investigate properly, there are no blood tests or other studies in addition to interview and ”try-on period”, which is the basis for the treatment. This applies to all age groups, even young people with könsidentitetslidande.

” No. Between 1974 and 1980 it was two per cent of those who underwent gender correction treatments that repented, today the figure is even lower. It is always important to help these people to not choose the wrong. A great test is to come out the other clothes and tell family, friends and colleagues.

” But it is important now to follow up the new group of primarily young girls who want to undergo gender correction treatments.

Read more: the national Board of health opens the door for a third gender

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