“The biggest skrällen had nothing with race to do”

“No, it happened not much.”

“The biggest skrällen was that the program is not sucked. “

“Which says a lot about what dy” harvade around in last winter.”

“But first of all: the music.”

“It went about as expected.”

“it was All about Nano, Wiktoria, Anna Bergendahl and Mohombi.”

“it was only a Matter of how the contributions would be sorted at the top.”

“Nano mumbled instead of singing, and Anna Bergendahl’s nice let had a mystery number. It looked like a wizard from ”the Lord of the rings” lost at the Plantation.”

“What do you remember best? The waterfall or the melody?”

“Wiktoria succeeded in turn by two things. She did her strongest and most emotional prominent so far in the competition. And she presented also her weakest song in the Eurovision song contest.”

“What do you remember best directly afterwards? The waterfall or the melody?”

“And Mohombi is the slug. He and the team have taken that one must not be too good in this competition. Not bad either for that matter. You should have the same fat content as semi-skimmed milk: 1.5 per cent.”

“Just the digit dotted Mohombi in with impressive precision. And then, apparently, a generic ”hello” go far.”

“There is not much to say about the premiere, thankfully.”

“No upset, nothing disturbed, nothing was hilarious.”

“the SVT picked out of the recycling”

“It plagued not directly of new ideas. SVT simply walked away to the recycling and picked up the old grip that has worked in the past.”

“a Little short skits that filled out the time, a good intermission in the form of an israeli popmedley and a lagomvasst script in which the hosts got their chatter.”

“It was a bit like to sit and watch the bubbles in an opened bottle of carbonated water.”

“There are certainly more exciting pastime than to see just carbonic acid to fade away. And there are definitely worse things to waste their short lives on.”

“And it was still a hefty boost compared to last year, how strange it sounds.”

“Here, there is at least something to build on, a basis that does not offend even the eyes and ears of each and every second.”

“what is it about the game again is to identify the contribution that can win in Tel Aviv, that everything exists in a context that is based on topical issues and do not take place in a parallel and stupid glitteruniversum.”

“Calvary walk at the moment is over”

“The four hosts did not remove itself, but very safe and warm in their roles.”

“What last year, the even was all about, it is actually no one who knows.”

“It is one of Sweden’s greatest modern mysteries, a dark matter that scientists are still struggling to understand.”

“in 2019, it feels like the Calvary-the walk for opportunity is over.”

“There is a way out and a light ahead in the tunnel.”

“the Way is long and the lights are dim, but for the first time in two years, I can finally write:”

“this can be quite good. “

“Wiktoria. It is this that is called water therapy?”

“Larsson’s varningnNano. Think it works better if he is singing instead of mumbling next time. “

“Results round 1”

“Zeana and Anis Don Demina:”